Thanks for the review.

On 2019/04/15 5:50, Tom Lane wrote:
> Jesper Pedersen <> writes:
>> Yeah, that works here - apart from an issue with the test case; fixed in 
>> the attached.
> Couple issues spotted in an eyeball review of that:
> * There is code that supposes that partsupfunc[] is the last
> field of ColumnsHashData, eg
>             fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra =
>                 MemoryContextAllocZero(fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt,
>                                        offsetof(ColumnsHashData, partsupfunc) 
> +
>                                        sizeof(FmgrInfo) * nargs);
> I'm a bit surprised that this patch manages to run without crashing,
> because this would certainly not allocate space for partcollid[].
> I think we would likely be well advised to do
> -             FmgrInfo        partsupfunc[PARTITION_MAX_KEYS];
> +             FmgrInfo        partsupfunc[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];

I went with this:

-        FmgrInfo    partsupfunc[PARTITION_MAX_KEYS];
         Oid         partcollid[PARTITION_MAX_KEYS];
+        FmgrInfo    partsupfunc[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];

> to make it more obvious that that has to be the last field.  Or else
> drop the cuteness with variable-size allocations of ColumnsHashData.
> FmgrInfo is only 48 bytes, I'm not really sure that it's worth the
> risk of bugs to "optimize" this.

I wonder if workloads on hash partitioned tables that require calling
satisfies_hash_partition repeatedly may not be as common as thought when
writing this code?  The only case I see where it's being repeatedly called
is bulk inserts into a hash-partitioned table, that too, only if BR
triggers on partitions necessitate rechecking the partition constraint.

> * I see collation-less calls of the partsupfunc at both partbounds.c:2931
> and partbounds.c:2970, but this patch touches only the first one.  How
> can that be right?

Oops, that's wrong.

Attached updated patch.

diff --git a/src/backend/partitioning/partbounds.c 
index c8770ccfee..460f023134 100644
--- a/src/backend/partitioning/partbounds.c
+++ b/src/backend/partitioning/partbounds.c
@@ -2777,7 +2777,8 @@ satisfies_hash_partition(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
                int16           variadic_typlen;
                bool            variadic_typbyval;
                char            variadic_typalign;
-               FmgrInfo        partsupfunc[PARTITION_MAX_KEYS];
+               Oid                     partcollid[PARTITION_MAX_KEYS];
+               FmgrInfo        partsupfunc[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
        } ColumnsHashData;
        Oid                     parentId;
        int                     modulus;
@@ -2851,6 +2852,8 @@ satisfies_hash_partition(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
                        my_extra->relid = parentId;
                        my_extra->nkeys = key->partnatts;
+                       memcpy(my_extra->partcollid, key->partcollation,
+                                  key->partnatts * sizeof(Oid));
                        /* check argument types and save fmgr_infos */
                        for (j = 0; j < key->partnatts; ++j)
@@ -2885,6 +2888,7 @@ satisfies_hash_partition(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+                       my_extra->partcollid[0] = key->partcollation[0];
                        /* check argument types */
                        for (j = 0; j < key->partnatts; ++j)
@@ -2928,9 +2932,10 @@ satisfies_hash_partition(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
-                       hash = FunctionCall2(&my_extra->partsupfunc[i],
-                                                                seed);
+                       hash = FunctionCall2Coll(&my_extra->partsupfunc[i],
+                                                                        seed);
                        /* Form a single 64-bit hash value */
                        rowHash = hash_combine64(rowHash, DatumGetUInt64(hash));
@@ -2967,9 +2972,10 @@ satisfies_hash_partition(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
-                       hash = FunctionCall2(&my_extra->partsupfunc[0],
-                                                                datum[i],
-                                                                seed);
+                       hash = FunctionCall2Coll(&my_extra->partsupfunc[0],
+                                                                        seed);
                        /* Form a single 64-bit hash value */
                        rowHash = hash_combine64(rowHash, DatumGetUInt64(hash));
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/hash_part.out 
index 731d26fc3d..8db316be27 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/expected/hash_part.out
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/hash_part.out
@@ -99,6 +99,20 @@ ERROR:  number of partitioning columns (2) does not match 
number of partition ke
 SELECT satisfies_hash_partition('mcinthash'::regclass, 4, 0,
array[now(), now()]);
 ERROR:  column 1 of the partition key has type "integer", but supplied value 
is of type "timestamp with time zone"
+-- check satisfies_hash_partition passes correct collation
+create table text_hashp (a text) partition by hash (a);
+create table text_hashp0 partition of text_hashp for values with (modulus 2, 
remainder 0);
+create table text_hashp1 partition of text_hashp for values with (modulus 2, 
remainder 1);
+-- The result here should always be true, because 'xxx' must belong to
+-- one of the two defined partitions
+select satisfies_hash_partition('text_hashp'::regclass, 2, 0, 'xxx'::text) OR
+          satisfies_hash_partition('text_hashp'::regclass, 2, 1, 'xxx'::text) 
AS satisfies;
+ satisfies 
+ t
+(1 row)
 -- cleanup
 DROP TABLE mchash;
 DROP TABLE mcinthash;
+DROP TABLE text_hashp;
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/hash_part.sql 
index f457ac344c..30601b913e 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/sql/hash_part.sql
+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/hash_part.sql
@@ -75,6 +75,16 @@ SELECT satisfies_hash_partition('mcinthash'::regclass, 4, 0,
 SELECT satisfies_hash_partition('mcinthash'::regclass, 4, 0,
array[now(), now()]);
+-- check satisfies_hash_partition passes correct collation
+create table text_hashp (a text) partition by hash (a);
+create table text_hashp0 partition of text_hashp for values with (modulus 2, 
remainder 0);
+create table text_hashp1 partition of text_hashp for values with (modulus 2, 
remainder 1);
+-- The result here should always be true, because 'xxx' must belong to
+-- one of the two defined partitions
+select satisfies_hash_partition('text_hashp'::regclass, 2, 0, 'xxx'::text) OR
+          satisfies_hash_partition('text_hashp'::regclass, 2, 1, 'xxx'::text) 
AS satisfies;
 -- cleanup
 DROP TABLE mchash;
 DROP TABLE mcinthash;
+DROP TABLE text_hashp;

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