On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 8:32 PM Andres Freund <and...@anarazel.de> wrote:
> On 2019-04-10 20:14:17 +0300, Alexander Korotkov wrote:
> > Your explanation of existing limitations looks very good and
> > convincing.  But I think there is one you didn't mention. We require
> > new table AMs to basically save old "contract" between heap and
> > indexes.  We have "all or nothing" choice during updates.  So, storage
> > can either insert to none of indexes or insert to all of them
> > (HOT-like update).
> I think that's a problem, and yea, I should have mentioned it. I'd
> earlier thought about it and then forgot.
> I however don't think we should design the interface for this before we
> have at least one AM that's actually in decent-ish shape that needs
> it. I seriously doubt we'll get the interface right enough.
> Note: I'm *extremely* *extremely* doubtful that moving the full executor
> invocations for expression indices etc into the tableam is a sane thing
> to do. It's possible to convince me there's no alternative, but it'll be
> really hard.
> I suspect the right direction will be more going in a direction of
> computing new index tuples for expression indexes before tableam gets
> involved. If we do that right, we can also implement the stuff that
> 1c53c4dec3985512f7f2f53c9d76a5295cd0a2dd reverted in a proper way.

Probably we can invent few modes table AM might work: calculation of
all new index tuples, calculation of new and old index tuples for
updated fields, calculation of all new and old index tuples and so on.
And them index tuples would be calculated either in advance or by

> > I think any storage, which is going to address "write amplification"
> > point raised by Uber, needs to break this "contract".
> FWIW, I don't think it makes much point in using Uber as a justification
> for anything here. Their analysis was so deeply flawed and motivated by
> non-technical reasons that it should just be ignored.

Yeah, Uber is just a buzz word here.  But problem that update of
single indexed field leads to insertions to every index is well-known
among the PostgreSQL users.

Alexander Korotkov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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