On 09/04/2019 18:00, Konstantin Knizhnik wrote:
Looks like the original problem was caused by internal postgres
compressor: I have not configured Postgres to use lz4.
When I configured Postgres --with-lz4, data was correctly inserted in
zedstore table, but looks it is not compressed at all:
postgres=# select pg_relation_size('zedstore_lineitem_projection');
No wonder that zedstore shows the worst results:
lineitem 6240.261 ms
lineitem_projection 5390.446 ms
zedstore_lineitem_projection 23310.341 ms
vops_lineitem_projection 439.731 ms
Updated version of vstore_bench.sql is attached (sorry, there was some
errors in previous version of this script).
I tried this quickly, too. With default work_mem and no parallelism, and
1 gb table size, it seems that the query chooses a different plan with
heap and zedstore, with a sort+group for zedstore and hash agg for heap.
There's no ANALYZE support in zedstore yet, and we haven't given much
thought to parallelism either. With work_mem='1GB' and no parallelism,
both queries use a hash agg, and the numbers are much closer than what
you saw, about 6 s for heap, and 9 s for zedstore.
- Heikki