On Sat, Apr 06, 2019 at 12:35:47PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote: > Jose Luis Tallon <jltal...@adv-solutions.net> writes: > > While working on an application, the need arose to be able > > efficiently differentiate v4/v5 UUIDs (for use in partial indexes, among > > others) > > ... so please find attached a trivial patch which adds the > > functionality. > > No particular objection... > > > I'm not sure whether this actually would justify a version bump for > > the OSSP-UUID extension > > Yes. Basically, once we've shipped a given version of an extension's > SQL script, that version is *frozen*. Anything at all that you want > to do to it has to be done in an extension update script, because > otherwise there's no clean migration path for users. > > So basically, leave uuid-ossp--1.1.sql as it stands, and put the > new CREATE FUNCTION in a new uuid-ossp--1.1--1.2.sql script. > See any recent patch that updated an extension for an example, eg > commit eb6f29141bed9dc95cb473614c30f470ef980705. > > (We do allow exceptions when somebody's already updated the extension > in the current devel cycle, but that doesn't apply here.) > > > Another matter, which I'd like to propose in a later thread, is > > whether it'd be interesting to include the main UUID functionality > > directly in core > > We've rejected that before, and I don't see any reason to think > the situation has changed since prior discussions.
I see some. UUIDs turn out to be super useful in distributed systems to give good guarantees of uniqueness without coordinating with a particular node. Such systems have become a good bit more common since the most recent time this was discussed. Best, David. -- David Fetter <david(at)fetter(dot)org> http://fetter.org/ Phone: +1 415 235 3778 Remember to vote! Consider donating to Postgres: http://www.postgresql.org/about/donate