On Mon, 18 Mar 2019 at 02:18, Tomas Vondra <tomas.von...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> Yes, it was using the toasted value directly. The attached patch
> detoasts the value explicitly, similarly to the per-column stats, and it
> also removes the 1MB limit.

I just made a pass over 0001 and 0002.

0002 is starting to look pretty good, but I did note down a few things
while looking.  Some things below might just me being unclear on how
something works. Perhaps that means more comments are needed, but it
might also mean I need a brain upgrade. I'm hoping it's the former.


1. Could you write a full commit message for this patch. Without
reading the backlog on this ticket it's not all that obvious what the
patch aims to fix. (I have read the backlog, so I know, but the next
person might not have)

2. Should all the relpages variables be BlockNumber rather than double?


3. I'm not sure what the following is trying to say:

* Estimate selectivity on any clauses applicable by stats tracking
* actual values first, then apply functional dependencies on the
* remaining clauses.

can you reword it?

4. This seems out of date:

* clauses that we've already estimated for.  Each selectivity
* function will set the appropriate bit in the bitmapset to mark that
* no further estimation is required for that list item.

We're only passing estimatedclauses to 1 function before
clauselist_selectivity_simple is called for the remainder.

5. In build_attnums_array there's
Assert(AttrNumberIsForUserDefinedAttr(j)); I just wanted to point out
that this could only possibly trigger of the bitmapset had a 0 member.
It cannot have negative members.  Maybe it would be worth adding a
comment to acknowledge that as it looks a bit misguided otherwise.

6. In build_attnums_array(), what's the reason to return int *, rather
than an AttrNumber * ? Likewise in the code that calls that function.

7. Not properly indented. Should be two tabs.

 * build sorted array of SortItem with values from rows

Should also be "a sorted array"

8. This comment seems to duplicate what is just mentioned in the
header comment for the function.

* We won't allocate the arrays for each item independenly, but in one
* large chunk and then just set the pointers. This allows the caller to
* simply pfree the return value to release all the memory.

Also, typo "independenly" -> "independently"

9. Not properly indented:

 * statext_is_compatible_clause_internal
 * Does the heavy lifting of actually inspecting the clauses for
 * statext_is_compatible_clause. It needs to be split like this because
 * of recursion.  The attnums bitmap is an input/output parameter collecting
 * attribute numbers from all compatible clauses (recursively).

10. Header comment for get_mincount_for_mcv_list() ends with
*---------- but does not start with that.

11. In get_mincount_for_mcv_list() it's probably better to have the
numerical literals of 0.0 instead of just 0.

12. I think it would be better if you modified build_attnums_array()
to add an output argument that sets the size of the array. It seems
that most places you call this function you perform bms_num_members()
to determine the array size.

13. This comment seems to be having a fight with itself:

* Preallocate Datum/isnull arrays (not as a single chunk, as we will
* pass the result outside and thus it needs to be easy to pfree().
* XXX On second thought, we're the only ones dealing with MCV lists,
* so we might allocate everything as a single chunk to reduce palloc
* overhead (chunk headers, etc.) without significant risk. Not sure
* it's worth it, though, as we're not re-building stats very often.

14. The following might be easier to read if you used a local variable
instead of counts[dim].

for (i = 0; i < mcvlist->nitems; i++)
/* skip NULL values - we don't need to deduplicate those */
if (mcvlist->items[i]->isnull[dim])

values[dim][counts[dim]] = mcvlist->items[i]->values[dim];
counts[dim] += 1;

Then just assign the value of the local variable to counts[dim] at the end.

15. Why does this not use stats[dim]->attrcollid ?

ssup[dim].ssup_collation = DEFAULT_COLLATION_OID;

16. The following:

else if (info[dim].typlen == -2) /* cstring */
info[dim].nbytes = 0;
for (i = 0; i < info[dim].nvalues; i++)
values[dim][i] = PointerGetDatum(PG_DETOAST_DATUM(values[dim][i]));
info[dim].nbytes += strlen(DatumGetCString(values[dim][i]));

seems to conflict with:

else if (info[dim].typlen == -2) /* cstring */
memcpy(data, DatumGetCString(v), strlen(DatumGetCString(v)) + 1);
data += strlen(DatumGetCString(v)) + 1; /* terminator */

It looks like you'll reserve 1 byte too few for each cstring value.

(Might also be nicer to assign the strlen to a local variable rather
than leave it up to the compiler to optimize out the 2nd strlen call
in the latter of the two code fragments above.)

17. I wonder if some compilers will warn about this:

ITEM_INDEXES(item)[dim] = (value - values[dim]);

Probably a cast to uint16 might fix them if they do.

18. statext_mcv_deserialize: I don't think "Size" should have a
capaital 'S' here:

elog(ERROR, "invalid MCV Size %ld (expected at least %zu)",
VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(data), offsetof(MCVList, items));

Also, the following should likely use the same string to reduce the
number of string constants:

elog(ERROR, "invalid MCV size %ld (expected %zu)",
VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(data), expected_size);

19. statext_mcv_deserialize: There seems to be a mix of ereports and
elogs for "shouldn't happen" cases. Any reason to use ereport instead
of elog for these?

I also really wonder if you need so many different error messages. I
imagine if anyone complains about hitting this case then we'd just be
telling them to run ANALYZE again.

20. Isn't this only needed for modules?


21. Do you think it would be better to declare
pg_stats_ext_mcvlist_items() to accept the oid of the pg_statistic_ext
row rather than the stxmcv column? (However, I do see you have a mcv
type, so perhaps you might want other types in the future?)

22. I see lots of usages of DEFAULT_COLLATION_OID in
mcv_get_match_bitmap. Can you add a comment to explain why that's
okay? I imagined the collation should match the column's collation.

23. Are these comments left over from a previous version?

/* OR - was MATCH_NONE, but will be MATCH_FULL */
/* AND - was MATC_FULL, but will be MATCH_NONE */
/* if the clause mismatches the MCV item, set it as MATCH_NONE */

24. I think the following comment needs explained a bit better:

 * mcv_clauselist_selectivity
 * Return the selectivity estimate of clauses using MCV list.
 * It also produces two interesting selectivities - total selectivity of
 * all the MCV items combined, and selectivity of the least frequent item
 * in the list.
mcv_clauselist_selectivity(PlannerInfo *root, StatisticExtInfo *stat,
   List *clauses, int varRelid,
   JoinType jointype, SpecialJoinInfo *sjinfo,
   RelOptInfo *rel,
   Selectivity *basesel, Selectivity *totalsel)

I see 3 possible selectivities.  What's different with *totalsel and
the return value of the function?

(I can see from looking at the actual code that it's not, but I don't
really know why it has to be different)

25. In README.mcv, I don't quite understand this:

TODO Currently there's no logic to consider building only an MCV list (and not
     building the histogram at all), except for doing this decision manually in

Not sure why histograms are mentioned and also not sure what ADD STATISTICS is.

26. I don't quite understand the "to defend against malicious input" part in.

It accepts one parameter - a pg_mcv_list value (which can only be obtained
from pg_statistic_ext catalog, to defend against malicious input), and
returns these columns:

It kinda sounds like there's some sort of magic going on to ensure the
function can only be called using stxmcv, but it's just that it
requires a pg_mcv_list type and that type has an input function that
just errors out, so it could only possibly be set from C code.

27. This looks like an unintended change:

- * Get the numdistinct estimate for the Vars of this rel.  We
- * iteratively search for multivariate n-distinct with maximum number
- * of vars; assuming that each var group is independent of the others,
- * we multiply them together.  Any remaining relvarinfos after no more
- * multivariate matches are found are assumed independent too, so
- * their individual ndistinct estimates are multiplied also.
+ * Get the numdistinct estimate for the Vars of this rel.
+ *
+ * We iteratively search for multivariate n-distinct with the maximum
+ * number of vars; assuming that each var group is independent of the
+ * others, we multiply them together.  Any remaining relvarinfos after
+ * no more multivariate matches are found are assumed independent too,
+ * so their individual ndistinct estimates are multiplied also.

28. Can you explain what this is?

uint32 type; /* type of MCV list (BASIC) */

I see: #define STATS_MCV_TYPE_BASIC 1 /* basic MCV list type */

but it's not really clear to me what else could exist. Maybe the
"type" comment can explain there's only one type for now, but more
might exist in the future?

29. Looking at the tests I see you're testing that you get bad
estimates without extended stats.  That does not really seem like
something that should be done in tests that are meant for extended

 David Rowley                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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