On 03/16/19 16:10, Ryan Lambert wrote:
> As Tom Lane mentioned there, the docs (8.13) indicate xmloption = CONTENT
> should accept all valid XML.  At this time, XML with a DOCTYPE declaration
> is not accepted with this setting even though it is considered valid XML.

Hello Ryan,

A patch for your issue is currently registered in the 2019-03 commitfest[1].

If it attracts somebody to review it before the end of the month, it might
make it into PG v12.

It is the xml-content-2006-2.patch found on the email thread [2]. (The other
patch found there is associated documentation fixes, and also needs to be

Further conversation should probably be on that email thread so that it
stays associated with the commitfest entry.

Thanks for your interest in the issue!

Chapman Flack

[1] https://commitfest.postgresql.org/22/1872/
[2] https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/5c81f8c0.6090...@anastigmatix.net

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