
* Ants Aasma ( wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 12:50 PM Stephen Frost <> wrote:
> > > Rate limit in front of WAL insertion would allow for allocating the
> > > throughput between foreground and background tasks, and even allow for
> > > priority inheritance to alleviate priority inversion due to locks.
> >
> > I'm not sure how much we have to worry about priority inversion here as
> > you need to have conflicts for that and if there's actually a conflict,
> > then it seems like we should just press on.
> >
> > That is, a non-concurrent REINDEX is going to prevent an UPDATE from
> > modifying anything in the table, which if the UPDATE is a higher
> > priority than the REINDEX would be priority inversion, but that doesn't
> > mean we should slow down the REINDEX to allow the UPDATE to happen
> > because the UPDATE simply can't happen until the REINDEX is complete.
> > Now, we might slow down the REINDEX because there's UPDATEs against
> > *other* tables that aren't conflicting and we want those UPDATEs to be
> > prioritized over the REINDEX but then that isn't priority inversion.
> I was thinking along the lines that each backend gets a budget of WAL
> insertion credits per time interval, and when the credits run out the
> process sleeps. With this type of scheme it would be reasonably
> straightforward to let UPDATEs being blocked by REINDEX to transfer their
> WAL insertion budgets to the REINDEX, making it get a larger piece of the
> total throughput pie.

Sure, that could possibly be done if it's a per-backend throttle
mechanism, but that's got more-or-less the same issue as a per-command
mechanism and work_mem as discussed up-thread.

Also seems like if we've solved for a way to do this transferring and
delay and such that we could come up with a way to prioritize (or 'give
more credits') to foreground and less to background (there was another
point made elsewhere in the thread that background processes should
still be given *some* amount of credits, always, so that they don't end
up starving completely, and I agree with that).

There's actually a lot of similarity or parallels between this and basic
network traffic shaping, it seems to me anyway, where you have a pipe of
a certain size and you want to prioritize some things (like interactive
SSH) while de-prioritizing other things (bulk SCP) but also using the
pipe fully.



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