On Sun, 13 Jan 2019 at 00:04, Tomas Vondra <tomas.von...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> On 1/12/19 8:49 AM, Dean Rasheed wrote:
> > A possible refinement would be to say that if there are more than
> > stats_target items more common than this mincount threshold, rather than
> > excluding the least common ones to get the target number of items,
> > exclude the ones closest to their base frequencies, on the grounds that
> > those are the ones for which the MCV stats will make the least
> > difference. That might complicate the code somewhat though -- I don't
> > have it in front of me, so I can't remember if it even tracks more than
> > stats_target items.
> Yes, the patch does limit the number of items to stats_target (a maximum
> of per-attribute stattarget values, to be precise). IIRC that's a piece
> you've added sometime last year ;-)
> I've been experimenting with removing items closest to base frequencies
> today, and I came to the conclusion that it's rather tricky for a couple
> of reasons.
> 1) How exactly do you measure "closeness" to base frequency? I've tried
> computing the error in different ways, including:
>   * Max(freq/base, base/freq)
>   * abs(freq - base)
> but this does not seem to affect the behavior very much, TBH.
> 2) This necessarily reduces mcv_totalsel, i.e. it increases the part not
> covered by MCV. And estimates on this part are rather crude.
> 3) It does nothing for "impossible" items, i.e. combinations that do not
> exist at all. Clearly, those won't be part of the sample, and so can't
> be included in the MCV no matter which error definition we pick. And for
> very rare combinations it might lead to sudden changes, depending on
> whether the group gets sampled or not.
> So IMHO it's better to stick to the simple SRE approach for now.

OK, that makes sense.


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