On 2018-Dec-04, Peter Eisentraut wrote:

> During the development of my recent patch "unused/redundant foreign key
> code" [0], I had developed a few additional test cases to increase the
> coverage in ri_triggers.c.  They are in the attached patches with
> explanations.  With these, coverage should be pretty complete, except
> hard-to-trigger error cases.  Interested reviewers can also follow along
> on coverage.postgresql.org.

Hmm.  One of the things I did for FKs on partitioned tables was remove
all the cases involving only unpartitioned tables, then run just the
foreign_key test and see what the coverage looked like -- in the first
versions, there were large swaths of uncovered code.  That guided me to
add a few more tests to increase coverage in later versions.  This is
all to say that I think it would be useful to include the case of
partitioned tables in the tests you add, where relevant.

Álvaro Herrera                https://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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