
I noticed buildint2vector / buildoidvector assigns lbound1=0 as default
value, but array type shall have lbound1=1 in the default.
Is there some reasons for the difference?

When I made a simple C-function that returns result of int2vector which
carries attribute numbers of the argument.

postgres=# select attnums_of('t0','{aid,cid,bid}');
(1 row)

Once it assigns lbound1=1 manually,

postgres=# select attnums_of('t0','{aid,cid,bid}');
(1 row)

Maybe, the later one is natural.
Of course, these APIs are mostly internal, so lbound1 setting is not
significant so much.

HeteroDB, Inc / The PG-Strom Project
KaiGai Kohei <kai...@heterodb.com>

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