On Fri, Feb 14, 2025 at 5:34 PM Jacob Champion
<jacob.champ...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:
> (But it doesn't
> seem like we're going to agree on this for now; in the meantime I'll
> prepare a version of the patch that only calls
> pgstat_bestart_security() once.)

v9 removes the first call, and moves the second (now only) call up and
out of the if/else chain, just past client authentication. The SSL
pre-auth tests have been removed.

1:  81a61854bdf ! 1:  d8de39bc076 pgstat: report in earlier with STATE_STARTING
    @@ Commit message
         2) pgstat_bestart_security() reports the SSL/GSS status of the
            connection.  Some backends don't call this at all; others call it
    -       twice, once after transport establishment and once after client
    -       authentication.
    +       after client authentication.
         3) pgstat_bestart_final() reports the user and database IDs, takes the
            entry out of STATE_STARTING, and reports the application_name.
    @@ src/backend/utils/activity/backend_status.c: pgstat_bestart(void)
    -+ * Fill in SSL and GSS information for the pgstat entry. This is separate 
    -+ * pgstat_bestart_initial() so that backends may call it multiple times as
    -+ * security details are filled in.
    ++ * Fill in SSL and GSS information for the pgstat entry.
     + *
     + * This should only be called from backends with a MyProcPort.
     + */
    @@ src/backend/utils/init/postinit.c: InitPostgres(const char *in_dbname, 
Oid dboid
     +  if (!bootstrap)
     +  {
     +          pgstat_bestart_initial();
    -+          if (MyProcPort)
    -+                  pgstat_bestart_security();      /* fill in any SSL/GSS 
info too */
     +          INJECTION_POINT("init-pre-auth");
     +  }
    @@ src/backend/utils/init/postinit.c: InitPostgres(const char *in_dbname, 
Oid dboid
                InitializeSessionUserId(username, useroid, false);
                /* ensure that auth_method is actually valid, aka authn_id is 
not NULL */
     @@ src/backend/utils/init/postinit.c: InitPostgres(const char *in_dbname, 
Oid dboid,
    -                   InitializeSystemUser(MyClientConnectionInfo.authn_id,
                am_superuser = superuser();
    -+          /*
    -+           * Authentication may have changed SSL/GSS details for the 
session, so
    -+           * report it again.
    -+           */
    -+          pgstat_bestart_security();
    ++  /* Report any SSL/GSS details for the session. */
    ++  if (MyProcPort != NULL)
    ++  {
    ++          Assert(!bootstrap);
    ++          pgstat_bestart_security();
    ++  }
    +    * Binary upgrades only allowed super-user connections
    +    */
     @@ src/backend/utils/init/postinit.c: InitPostgres(const char *in_dbname, 
Oid dboid,
                /* initialize client encoding */
    @@ src/test/authentication/t/007_pre_auth.pl (new)
    - ## src/test/ssl/Makefile ##
    - #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    - EXTRA_INSTALL = contrib/sslinfo
    -+EXTRA_INSTALL += src/test/modules/injection_points
    - subdir = src/test/ssl
    - top_builddir = ../../..
    - include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
    --export OPENSSL with_ssl
    -+export OPENSSL enable_injection_points with_ssl
    - # The sslfiles targets are separated into their own file due to 
    - # with settings in Makefile.global.
    - ## src/test/ssl/meson.build ##
    -@@ src/test/ssl/meson.build: tests += {
    -   'bd': meson.current_build_dir(),
    -   'tap': {
    -     'env': {
    -+      'enable_injection_points': get_option('injection_points') ? 'yes' : 
    -       'with_ssl': ssl_library,
    -       'OPENSSL': openssl.found() ? openssl.path() : '',
    -     },
    - ## src/test/ssl/t/001_ssltests.pl ##
    -@@ src/test/ssl/t/001_ssltests.pl: use Config qw ( %Config );
    - use PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster;
    - use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils;
    - use Test::More;
    -+use Time::HiRes qw(usleep);
    - use FindBin;
    - use lib $FindBin::RealBin;
    -@@ src/test/ssl/t/001_ssltests.pl: $node->start;
    - my $result = $node->safe_psql('postgres', "SHOW ssl_library");
    - is($result, $ssl_server->ssl_library(), 'ssl_library parameter');
    -+my $injection_points_unavailable = '';
    -+if ($ENV{enable_injection_points} ne 'yes')
    -+  $injection_points_unavailable =
    -+    'Injection points not supported by this build';
    -+elsif (!$node->check_extension('injection_points'))
    -+  $injection_points_unavailable =
    -+    'Extension injection_points not installed';
    -+  # For ease of setup, make injection_points available for all new 
    -+  $node->safe_psql('template1', 'CREATE EXTENSION injection_points');
    - $ssl_server->configure_test_server_for_ssl($node, $SERVERHOSTADDR,
    -   $SERVERHOSTCIDR, 'trust');
    -@@ src/test/ssl/t/001_ssltests.pl: command_like(
    -   'pg_stat_ssl view without client certificate');
    -+# Test that pg_stat_ssl gets filled in early, prior to authentication. 
    -+# injection point support.
    -+  skip $injection_points_unavailable, 1 if $injection_points_unavailable;
    -+  # Connect to the server and inject a waitpoint.
    -+  my $psql =
    -+    $node->background_psql('trustdb', connstr => "$common_connstr user=");
    -+  $psql->query_safe(
    -+          "SELECT injection_points_attach('init-pre-auth', 'wait')");
    -+  # From this point on, all new connections will hang during startup, just
    -+  # before authentication. Use the $psql connection handle for server
    -+  # interaction.
    -+  my $conn = $node->background_psql(
    -+          'trustdb',
    -+          connstr => $common_connstr,
    -+          wait => 0);
    -+  # Wait for the connection to show up.
    -+  my $pid;
    -+  while (1)
    -+  {
    -+          $pid = $psql->query(
    -+                  "SELECT pid FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE state = 
'starting' AND client_addr IS NOT NULL;");
    -+          last if $pid ne "";
    -+          usleep(100_000);
    -+  }
    -+  like(
    -+          $psql->query(
    -+                  "SELECT ssl, version, cipher, bits FROM pg_stat_ssl 
WHERE pid = $pid"
    -+          ),
    -+          qr/^t\|TLSv[\d.]+\|[\w-]+\|\d+$/,
    -+          'pg_stat_ssl view is updated prior to authentication');
    -+  # Detach the waitpoint and wait for the connection to complete.
    -+  $psql->query_safe("SELECT injection_points_wakeup('init-pre-auth');");
    -+  $conn->wait_connect();
    -+  $psql->query_safe("SELECT injection_points_detach('init-pre-auth');");
    -+  $psql->quit();
    -+  $conn->quit();
    - # Test min/max SSL protocol versions.
    - $node->connect_ok(
    -   "$common_connstr sslrootcert=ssl/root+server_ca.crt sslmode=require 
ssl_min_protocol_version=TLSv1.2 ssl_max_protocol_version=TLSv1.2",
2:  e734e46009f = 2:  fddaedf4280 Report external auth calls as wait events
3:  39c7d9ce42b = 3:  50d14d32699 squash! Report external auth calls as wait 

Attachment: v9-0001-pgstat-report-in-earlier-with-STATE_STARTING.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: v9-0002-Report-external-auth-calls-as-wait-events.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: v9-0003-squash-Report-external-auth-calls-as-wait-events.patch
Description: Binary data

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