Robert Haas <> writes:
> Yeah, I pushed an attempt at a band-aid fix. Hopefully that will make
> it clear whether there are other problems and how bad they are. It
> looks like the XversionUpgrade tests are not this commit's fault.

They are not, they're Jeff's problem.

I apologize if I ruffled your feathers.  But the buildfarm is a shared
resource and it doesn't do to leave it significantly broken over a
weekend, which I feared you might be about to do.  Committing stuff
at 4PM on a Friday is perhaps not the best plan if your intention
is to not work weekends.

On a positive note, at least some of the formerly-pink members
seem to be happy now.  So as you hoped, we can get more info about
whether there are less-frequent problems.

As for a permanent fix: maybe, instead of printing fractions when
actual nloops > 1, we should print fractions if *potential*
nloops > 1?  That is, anytime we're on the inside of a nestloop,
under a Gather, etc.  Seems like this'd not be too hard to track
while recursively descending the PlanState tree.

                        regards, tom lane

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