
On 2025-02-11 13:12:17 +1300, Thomas Munro wrote:
> Tomas queried[1] the limit of 256kB (or really 32 blocks) for
> io_combine_limit.  Yeah, I think we should increase it and allow
> experimentation with larger numbers.  Note that real hardware and
> protocols have segment and size limits that can force the kernel to
> split your I/Os, so it's not at all a given that it'll help much or at
> all to use very large sizes, but YMMV.

FWIW, I see substantial performance *regressions* with *big* IO sizes using
fio. Just looking at cached buffered IO.

for s in 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192;do echo -ne "$s\t\t"; 
numactl --physcpubind 3 fio --directory /srv/dev/fio/ --size=32GiB --overwrite 
1 --time_based=0 --runtime=10 --name test --rw read --buffered 0 --ioengine 
psync --buffered 1 --invalidate 0 --output-format json --bs=$((1024*${s})) |jq 
'.jobs[] | .read.bw_mean';done

io size kB      throughput in MB/s
4                6752
8                9297
16              11082
32              14392
64              15967
128             16658
256             16864
512             19114
1024            12874
2048            11770
4096            11781
8192            11744

I.e. throughput peaks at 19GB/s and drops of fairly noticeably after that.

I've measured this on a number of different AMD and Intel Systems, with
similar results, albeit with different inflection points. On the Intel systems
I have access to the point where things slows down seems typically be earlier
than on AMD.

It's worth noting that if I boot with mitigations=off clearcpuid=smap I get
*vastly* better performance:

io size kB      throughput in MB/s
4               12054
8               13872
16              16709
32              20564
64              22559
128             23133
256             23317
512             25829
1024            15912
2048            15213
4096            14129
8192            13795

Most of the gain isn't due to mitigations=off but clearcpuid=smap. Apparently
SMAP, which requires explicit code to allow kernel space to access userspace
memory, to make exploitation harder, reacts badly to copying lots of memory.

This seems absolutely bonkers to me.

> I was originally cautious because I didn't want to make a few stack buffers
> too big, but arrays of BlockNumber, struct iovec, and pointer don't seem too
> excessive at say 128 (cf whole blocks on the stack, a thing we do, which
> would still be many times larger that the relevant arrays).  I was also
> anticipating future code that would need to multiply that number by other
> terms to allocate shared memory, but after some off-list discussion, that
> seems OK: such code should be able to deal with that using GUCs instead of
> maximally pessimal allocation.  128 gives a nice round number of 1M as a
> maximum transfer size, and comparable systems seem to have upper limits
> around that mark.  Patch attached.

To make that possible we'd need two different io_combine_limit GUCs, one
PGC_POSTMASTER that defines a hard max, and one that can be changed at
runtime, up to the PGC_POSTMASTER one.

It's somewhat painful to have such GUCs, because we don't have real
infrastructure for interdependent GUCs.  Typically the easiest way is to just
do a Min() at runtime between the two GUCs.  But looking at the number of
references to io_combine_limit in read_stream.c, that doesn't look like fun.

Do you have a good idea how to keep read_stream.c readable?


Andres Freund

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