On Fri, Jan 17, 2025 at 6:41 AM David G. Johnston
<david.g.johns...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yeah, I did spell check but not a grammar check.  These weren't spelling 
> errors though.  Anyway, good point running the resultant web page through 
> chatgpt or grammar-aware program.
> I still need to put together the example changes in these last couple of 
> suggestions.  The attached v6 omits those and the indenting - and I've 
> consolidated it back into a single patch.

<title>Array Elements and IN Bag Members</title>
google "Bag Members" didn't yield any relevant results.
there are two  appearances of "bag" in doc/src/sgml/nullvalues.sgml.
I am confused by this word.

  <sect3 id="nullvalues-usage-tables">
   <title>Null Values in Tables</title>
    Whether via the copy method above, or by inserting literal null values,
    most usage concerns for null values results from their presence in a table
    column that lacks a <link
linkend="nullvalues-table-constraints">not-null constraint</link>.
We can simply say that, in a table,
if a specific column doesn't have a not-null constraint, null value
can exist in that column.
or maybe this part is unnecessary, we can remove it.

   As noted in <xref linkend="json-type-mapping-table"/>, the JSON
   null value is assigned its own type unlike in SQL.  This introduces
an inconsistency
   since the JSON null type's value is itself non-null.  It is also
comparable to any
   other JSON type, returning false for equality, and itself,
returning true for equality.
   But an SQL value of json or jsonb type having a JSON null value is
considered non-null in SQL.

this part """But an SQL value of json or jsonb type having a JSON null
value is considered non-null in SQL"""
is the same as
"since the JSON null type's value is itself non-null.".
so i think removing this sentence "But an SQL value of json or jsonb
type having a JSON null value is considered non-null in SQL."
there is no meaning being lost.
(i think this is minor issue)

 <sect2 id="nullvalues-settings">
  <title>Null-Valued Settings</title>
   There are none.  During initialization all settings are assigned a
non-null value.
"There are none" kind of comes from nowhere.
I think you mean "There are no null-valued settings"?

 <sect2 id="nullvalues-partitionkeys">
  <title>Null Values in Partition Keys</title>
   Presently, PostgreSQL requires that all the columns of a partition
key be included

here "PostgreSQL" should be decorated as <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>.

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