Dear Daniel,

Thanks for working on the project. I have few cosmetic comments.

+      built in legacy crypto functions <literal>gen_salt()</literal>,

According to other lines, `<literal>gen_salt()</literal>` should be 

+      <literal>pg_gen_salt_rounds()</literal>, and <literal>crypt()</literal>

Similar with [1], `pg_gen_salt_rounds` is not an SQL function.
I think we do not have to mention the function because it's just another 
implementation of gen_salt().
Also, use <function> instead of <literal>.

+       DefineCustomEnumVariable("pgcrypto.legacy_crypto_enabled",
+                                                        "Sets if builtin 
crypto functions are enabled.",
+                                                        "\"on\" enables 
builtin crypto, \"off\" unconditionally disables and \"fips\" "
+                                                        "will disable builtin 
crypto if OpenSSL is in FIPS mode",
+                                                        &legacy_crypto_enabled,
+                                                        LGC_ON,
+                                                        legacy_crypto_options,
+                                                        PGC_SUSET,
+                                                        0,
+                                                        NULL,
+                                                        NULL,
+                                                        NULL);

I think we must call MarkGUCPrefixReserved() to catch the mis-spell.

Also: I'm not sure whether we should bump the version of pgcrypto. It should be 
done when
the API is changed, but the patch does not do. Thought?


Best regards,
Hayato Kuroda

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