On Sat, 11 Jan 2025 16:14:19 -0500
Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

> Jeremy Schneider <schnei...@ardentperf.com> writes:
> > Given the large number of bytes that LLVM pulls into a postgres
> > build, I think it would be a good idea to have the ability to split
> > it into a separate [recommended, but optional] package.  
> Build without --with-llvm.  Alternatively, split lib/llvmjit.so and
> lib/bitcode/ into a separate package.  These are matters for packagers
> not the core project ...

This was my initial idea too, I was thinking to have a "normal"
postgres package and an additional a "slim" or "nojit" postgres package
(this was my original topic on the packagers list).

We would have to update dependencies for the dozens of packages like
extensions, wal2json, pgtop, and all the rest to take either of these
base postgres packages, and we have to deal with the two base packages
that potentially conflict with each other.

It's a cleaner solution if JIT works more like an extension, and we can
run a single build and split JIT into a separate package.


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