I wrote:
> 1. I looked at a couple implementations of this idea, and found that
> the constants used in the carryless multiply are tied to the length of
> the blocks. With a lookup table we can do the 3-way algorithm on any
> portion of a full block length, rather than immediately fall to doing
> CRC serially. That would be faster on average. See for example
> https://github.com/komrad36/CRC/tree/master , but I don't think we
> actually have to fully unroll the loop like they do there.
> 2. With the above, we can use a larger full block size, and so on
> average less time would be spent in the carryless multiply. With that,
> we could possibly get away with an open coded loop in normal C rather
> than a new intrinsic (also found in the above repo). That would be
> more portable.

I added a port to x86 and poked at it, with the intent to have an easy
on-ramp to that at least accelerates computation of CRCs on FPIs.

The 0008 patch only worked on chunks of 1024 at a time. At that size,
the presence of hardware carryless multiplication is not that
important. I removed the hard-coded constants in favor of a lookup
table, so now it can handle anything up to 8400 bytes in a single

There are still some "taste" issues, but I like the overall shape here
and how light it was. With more hardware support, we can go much lower
than 1024 bytes, but that can be left for future work.
John Naylor
Amazon Web Services
From b889235866ad2593e7d093e6a74181a821b68430 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John Naylor <john.nay...@postgresql.org>
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2024 11:30:33 +0700
Subject: [PATCH v9 2/2] Implement interleaved CRC calculation, combined via
 carryless multiplication

Changes from 0008:
- Use a lookup table to get the precomputed CRC instead of using constants.
This allows a single pass to handle up to 8400 bytes before combining CRCs.
On large inputs, we can just use a simple loop to emulate CLMUL
- Both Arm and x86 support, with no additional config or runtime checks.

Xiang Gao and John Naylor
 src/include/port/pg_crc32c.h | 29 +++++++++++
 src/port/pg_crc32c_armv8.c   | 34 +++++++++++++
 src/port/pg_crc32c_sb8.c     | 94 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/port/pg_crc32c_sse42.c   | 44 ++++++++++++++++-
 4 files changed, 199 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/include/port/pg_crc32c.h b/src/include/port/pg_crc32c.h
index 63c8e3a00b..aa06bc201a 100644
--- a/src/include/port/pg_crc32c.h
+++ b/src/include/port/pg_crc32c.h
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 #ifndef PG_CRC32C_H
 #define PG_CRC32C_H
+#include "port/pg_bitutils.h"
 #include "port/pg_bswap.h"
 typedef uint32 pg_crc32c;
@@ -107,4 +108,32 @@ extern pg_crc32c pg_comp_crc32c_sb8(pg_crc32c crc, const void *data, size_t len)
+/* semi-private to files in src/port that interleave CRC instructions */
+/* WIP: separate header in src/port? */
+#define CRC_BYTES_PER_ITER (3 * sizeof(uint64))
+#define CRC_MAX_BLOCK_LEN 350 /* can compute 8k inputs in a single pass */
+extern PGDLLIMPORT const uint64 combine_crc_lookup[CRC_MAX_BLOCK_LEN];
+ * Fallback for platforms that don't support intrinsics for carryless multiplication.
+ */
+static inline uint64
+pg_clmul(uint32 a, uint32 b)
+	uint64		result = 0;
+	while (a)
+	{
+		int			pos = pg_rightmost_one_pos32(a);
+		result ^= (uint64) b << (pos);
+		a &= a - 1;
+	}
+	return result;
 #endif							/* PG_CRC32C_H */
diff --git a/src/port/pg_crc32c_armv8.c b/src/port/pg_crc32c_armv8.c
index d47d838c50..f9f155b65e 100644
--- a/src/port/pg_crc32c_armv8.c
+++ b/src/port/pg_crc32c_armv8.c
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ pg_comp_crc32c_armv8(pg_crc32c crc, const void *data, size_t len)
 	const unsigned char *p = data;
 	const unsigned char *pend = p + len;
+	const size_t min_blocklen = 42; /* Min size to consider interleaving */
+	const pg_crc32c orig_crc = crc; // XXX not for commit
 	 * ARMv8 doesn't require alignment, but aligned memory access is
@@ -48,6 +50,36 @@ pg_comp_crc32c_armv8(pg_crc32c crc, const void *data, size_t len)
 		p += 4;
+	/* See pg_crc32c_sse42.c for explanation */
+	while (p + min_blocklen * CRC_BYTES_PER_ITER <= pend)
+	{
+		const size_t block_len = Min(CRC_MAX_BLOCK_LEN, (pend - p) / CRC_BYTES_PER_ITER);
+		const uint64 *in64 = (const uint64 *) (p);
+		pg_crc32c	crc0 = crc,
+					crc1 = 0,
+					crc2 = 0;
+		uint64		mul0,
+					mul1,
+					precompute;
+		for (int i = 0; i < block_len; i++, in64++)
+		{
+			crc0 = __crc32cd(crc0, *(in64));
+			crc1 = __crc32cd(crc1, *(in64 + block_len));
+			crc2 = __crc32cd(crc2, *(in64 + block_len * 2));
+		}
+		precompute = combine_crc_lookup[block_len - 1];
+		mul0 = pg_clmul(crc0, (uint32) precompute);
+		mul1 = pg_clmul(crc1, (uint32) (precompute >> 32));
+		crc0 = __crc32cd(0, mul0);
+		crc1 = __crc32cd(0, mul1);
+		crc = crc0 ^ crc1 ^ crc2;
+		p += block_len * CRC_BYTES_PER_ITER;
+	}
 	/* Process eight bytes at a time, as far as we can. */
 	while (p + 8 <= pend)
@@ -71,5 +103,7 @@ pg_comp_crc32c_armv8(pg_crc32c crc, const void *data, size_t len)
 		crc = __crc32cb(crc, *p);
+	// XXX not for commit
+	Assert(crc == pg_comp_crc32c_sb8(orig_crc, data, len));
 	return crc;
diff --git a/src/port/pg_crc32c_sb8.c b/src/port/pg_crc32c_sb8.c
index eda20fa747..48afd8c3d3 100644
--- a/src/port/pg_crc32c_sb8.c
+++ b/src/port/pg_crc32c_sb8.c
@@ -1167,3 +1167,97 @@ static const uint32 pg_crc32c_table[8][256] = {
 #endif							/* WORDS_BIGENDIAN */
+/* Lookup table for combining interleaved CRC computations */
+/*  WIP: it seems not great to use _sb8.c for semi-common helpers for files CRC hardware support? */
+const uint64 combine_crc_lookup[CRC_MAX_BLOCK_LEN] =
+	0x00000001493c7d27, 0x493c7d27ba4fc28e, 0xf20c0dfeddc0152b, 0xba4fc28e9e4addf8,
+	0x3da6d0cb39d3b296, 0xddc0152b0715ce53, 0x1c291d0447db8317, 0x9e4addf80d3b6092,
+	0x740eef02c96cfdc0, 0x39d3b296878a92a7, 0x083a6eecdaece73e, 0x0715ce53ab7aff2a,
+	0xc49f4f672162d385, 0x47db831783348832, 0x2ad91c30299847d5, 0x0d3b6092b9e02b86,
+	0x6992cea218b33a4e, 0xc96cfdc0b6dd949b, 0x7e90804878d9ccb7, 0x878a92a7bac2fd7b,
+	0x1b3d8f29a60ce07b, 0xdaece73ece7f39f4, 0xf1d0f55e61d82e56, 0xab7aff2ad270f1a2,
+	0xa87ab8a8c619809d, 0x2162d3852b3cac5d, 0x8462d80065863b64, 0x833488321b03397f,
+	0x71d111a8ebb883bd, 0x299847d5b3e32c28, 0xffd852c6064f7f26, 0xb9e02b86dd7e3b0c,
+	0xdcb17aa4f285651c, 0x18b33a4e10746f3c, 0xf37c5aeec7a68855, 0xb6dd949b271d9844,
+	0x6051d5a28e766a0c, 0x78d9ccb793a5f730, 0x18b0d4ff6cb08e5c, 0xbac2fd7b6b749fb2,
+	0x21f3d99c1393e203, 0xa60ce07bcec3662e, 0x8f15801496c515bb, 0xce7f39f4e6fc4e6a,
+	0xa00457f78227bb8a, 0x61d82e56b0cd4768, 0x8d6d2c4339c7ff35, 0xd270f1a2d7a4825c,
+	0x00ac29cf0ab3844b, 0xc619809d0167d312, 0xe9adf796f6076544, 0x2b3cac5d26f6a60a,
+	0x96638b34a741c1bf, 0x65863b6498d8d9cb, 0xe0e9f35149c3cc9c, 0x1b03397f68bce87a,
+	0x9af01f2d57a3d037, 0xebb883bd6956fc3b, 0x2cff42cf42d98888, 0xb3e32c283771e98f,
+	0x88f25a3ab42ae3d9, 0x064f7f262178513a, 0x4e36f0b0e0ac139e, 0xdd7e3b0c170076fa,
+	0xbd6f81f8444dd413, 0xf285651c6f345e45, 0x91c9bd4b41d17b64, 0x10746f3cff0dba97,
+	0x885f087ba2b73df1, 0xc7a68855f872e54c, 0x4c1449321e41e9fc, 0x271d984486d8e4d2,
+	0x52148f02651bd98b, 0x8e766a0c5bb8f1bc, 0xa3c6f37aa90fd27a, 0x93a5f730b3af077a,
+	0xd7c0557f4984d782, 0x6cb08e5cca6ef3ac, 0x63ded06a234e0b26, 0x6b749fb2dd66cbbb,
+	0x4d56973c4597456a, 0x1393e203e9e28eb4, 0x9669c9df7b3ff57a, 0xcec3662ec9c8b782,
+	0xe417f38a3f70cc6f, 0x96c515bb93e106a4, 0x4b9e0f7162ec6c6d, 0xe6fc4e6ad813b325,
+	0xd104b8fc0df04680, 0x8227bb8a2342001e, 0x5b3977300a2a8d7e, 0xb0cd47686d9a4957,
+	0xe78eb416e8b6368b, 0x39c7ff35d2c3ed1a, 0x61ff0e01995a5724, 0xd7a4825c9ef68d35,
+	0x8d96551c0c139b31, 0x0ab3844bf2271e60, 0x0bf80dd20b0bf8ca, 0x0167d3122664fd8b,
+	0x8821abeded64812d, 0xf607654402ee03b2, 0x6a45d2b28604ae0f, 0x26f6a60a363bd6b3,
+	0xd8d26619135c83fd, 0xa741c1bf5fabe670, 0xde87806c35ec3279, 0x98d8d9cb00bcf5f6,
+	0x143387548ae00689, 0x49c3cc9c17f27698, 0x5bd2011f58ca5f00, 0x68bce87aaa7c7ad5,
+	0xdd07448eb5cfca28, 0x57a3d037ded288f8, 0xdde8f5b959f229bc, 0x6956fc3b6d390dec,
+	0xa3e3e02c37170390, 0x42d988886353c1cc, 0xd73c7beac4584f5c, 0x3771e98ff48642e9,
+	0x80ff0093531377e2, 0xb42ae3d9dd35bc8d, 0x8fe4c34db25b29f2, 0x2178513a9a5ede41,
+	0xdf99fc11a563905d, 0xe0ac139e45cddf4e, 0x6c23e841acfa3103, 0x170076faa51b6135,
+	0xfe314258dfd94fb2, 0x444dd41380f2886b, 0x0d8373a067969a6a, 0x6f345e45021ac5ef,
+	0x19e3635ee8310afa, 0x41d17b6475451b04, 0x29f268b48e1450f7, 0xff0dba97cbbe4ee1,
+	0x1dc0632a3a83de21, 0xa2b73df1e0cdcf86, 0x1614f396453c1679, 0xf872e54cdefba41c,
+	0x9e2993d3613eee91, 0x1e41e9fcddaf5114, 0x6bebd73c1f1dd124, 0x86d8e4d2bedc6ba1,
+	0x63ae91e6eca08ffe, 0x651bd98b3ae30875, 0xf8c9da7a0cd1526a, 0x5bb8f1bcb1630f04,
+	0x945a19c1ff47317b, 0xa90fd27ad6c3a807, 0xee8213b79a7781e0, 0xb3af077a63d097e9,
+	0x93781dc71d31175f, 0x4984d78294eb256e, 0xccc4a1b913184649, 0xca6ef3ac4be7fd90,
+	0xa2c2d9717d5c1d64, 0x234e0b2680ba859a, 0x1cad44526eeed1c9, 0xdd66cbbb22c3799f,
+	0x74922601d8ecc578, 0x4597456ab3a6da94, 0xc55f7eabcaf933fe, 0xe9e28eb450bfaade,
+	0xa19623292e7d11a7, 0x7b3ff57a7d14748f, 0x2d37074932d8041c, 0xc9c8b782889774e1,
+	0x397d84a16cc8a0ff, 0x3f70cc6f5aa1f3cf, 0x791132708a074012, 0x93e106a433bc58b3,
+	0xbc8178039f2b002a, 0x62ec6c6dbd0bb25f, 0x88eb3c0760bf0a6a, 0xd813b3258515c07f,
+	0x6e4cb6303be3c09b, 0x0df04680d8440525, 0x71971d5c682d085d, 0x2342001e465a4eee,
+	0xf33b8bc628b5de82, 0x0a2a8d7e077d54e0, 0x9fb3bbc02e5f3c8c, 0x6d9a4957c00df280,
+	0x6ef22b23d0a37f43, 0xe8b6368ba52f58ec, 0xce2df76800712e86, 0xd2c3ed1ad6748e82,
+	0xe53a4fc747972100, 0x995a572451aeef66, 0xbe60a91a71900712, 0x9ef68d35359674f7,
+	0x1dfa0a15647fbd15, 0x0c139b311baaa809, 0x8ec52396469aef86, 0xf2271e6086d42d06,
+	0x0e766b114aba1470, 0x0b0bf8ca1c2cce0a, 0x475846a4aa0cd2d3, 0x2664fd8bf8448640,
+	0xb2a3dfa6ac4fcdec, 0xed64812de81cf154, 0xdc1a160cc2c7385c, 0x02ee03b295ffd7dc,
+	0x79afdf1c91de6176, 0x8604ae0f84ee89ac, 0x07ac6e46533e308d, 0x363bd6b35f0e0438,
+	0x15f85253604d6e09, 0x135c83fdaeb3e622, 0x1bec24dd4263eb04, 0x5fabe67050c2cb16,
+	0x4c36cd5b6667afe7, 0x35ec32791a6889b8, 0xe0a22e29de42c92a, 0x00bcf5f67f47463d,
+	0x7c2b6ed9b82b6080, 0x8ae00689828d550b, 0x06ff88fddca2b4da, 0x17f276984ac726eb,
+	0xf7317cf0529295e6, 0x58ca5f005e9f28eb, 0x61b6e40b40c14fff, 0xaa7c7ad596a1f19b,
+	0xde8a97f8997157e1, 0xb5cfca28b0ed8196, 0x88f61445097e41e6, 0xded288f84ce8bfe5,
+	0xd4520e9ee36841ad, 0x59f229bcd1a9427c, 0x0c592bd593f3319c, 0x6d390decb58ac6fe,
+	0x38edfaf3e3809241, 0x37170390f22fd3e2, 0x72cbfcdb83c2df88, 0x6353c1ccd6b1825a,
+	0x348331a54e4ff232, 0xc4584f5c6664d9c1, 0xc3977c19836b5a6e, 0xf48642e923d5e7e5,
+	0xdafaea7c65065343, 0x531377e21495d20d, 0x73db4c04a29c82eb, 0xdd35bc8df370b37f,
+	0x72675ce8ea6dd7dc, 0xb25b29f2e9415bce, 0x3ec2ff8396309b0f, 0x9a5ede41c776b648,
+	0xe8c7a017c22c52c5, 0xa563905dcecfcd43, 0xcf4bfaefd8311ee7, 0x45cddf4e24e6fe8f,
+	0x6bde1ac7d0c6d7c9, 0xacfa310345aa5d4a, 0xae1175c2cf067065, 0xa51b613582f89c77,
+	0xf7506984a348c84e, 0xdfd94fb2d07737ea, 0xe0863e5636069dd2, 0x80f2886bc4cedd32,
+	0xd7e661ae9a97be47, 0x67969a6af45cd585, 0x01afc14f93f36e2b, 0x021ac5ef195bc82d,
+	0xd2fd8e3ce622aaca, 0xe8310afa23912612, 0xc4eb27b2a1fd0859, 0x75451b04a2edbd17,
+	0x632098732cefbfdd, 0x8e1450f7f36d84e2, 0xf29971cf9664532d, 0xcbbe4ee1cfeff4b3,
+	0xaf6939d96737eead, 0x3a83de21f52d28d3, 0x650ef6c5fb3bb2c8, 0xe0cdcf864a9d4498,
+	0x36e108faaef471c1, 0x453c16790d08bb68, 0x09c20a6c3b6c03be, 0xdefba41c4de20a7c,
+	0x0a1a6a8877792405, 0x613eee91b95a9eb0, 0x286d109b11f2bc8f, 0xddaf51147956e76a,
+	0x9fd51b88032a8058, 0x1f1dd1241b93589c, 0x4860285dcc66546f, 0xbedc6ba1005bb964,
+	0x6e221adc28198362, 0xeca08ffe3f2e57b1, 0x0e0a10735f54bb14, 0x3ae3087599e44d01,
+	0x37f194212591f073, 0x0cd1526a0871bd30, 0xe9bbf6481fb48d12, 0xb1630f043888ed03,
+	0x0fa0277f1e22167e, 0xff47317bd272cadf, 0xeb2fb89a8653215c, 0xd6c3a807f6e6d69e,
+	0x1c47ed30b9f5bf62, 0x9a7781e09dde6145, 0x271cfb40ed49c4d3, 0x63d097e91ad321bc,
+	0xea1cb6e7f206e4b8, 0x1d31175f60165873, 0x9f737f83159dff70, 0x94eb256ee1a468d0,
+	0xd4619bbcda11f51b, 0x1318464993189d18, 0x794dd0f2ac4f4691, 0x4be7fd9087d07ae0,
+	0xb6d42cd90db9f589, 0x7d5c1d64c51a240c, 0x8b9be230ab819fbb, 0x80ba859a5cc19671,
+	0xd4617a4c46183f0a, 0x6eeed1c993e7c448, 0xb9f93bd067fe6e36, 0x22c3799fca110698,
+	0xb8b67c1c8a2acc83, 0xd8ecc578eb75a090, 0xc5ca433a3e18bd99, 0xb3a6da94480e7e4d,
+	0x5e5dcd9560bced33, 0xcaf933fe0bf69a3f, 0x7b589372dbf59471, 0x50bfaadea00bae3d,
+	0x0afb7f3b4b7df256, 0x2e7d11a77959fe2a, 0x0f97c69068e3d179, 0x7d14748fa160e585,
+	0x3e254fe4cac39a0b, 0x32d8041cf4229b7a, 0x141e8512007ca0f9, 0x889774e10e0126b2,
+	0xe5e25bd082fe946e, 0x6cc8a0ff013b3856, 0xacf1231667c69966, 0x5aa1f3cffa0f2bd0,
+	0x7b454cb35d4c91fc, 0x8a07401279d95f64, 0x311709b8807121c0, 0x33bc58b3b0a3f16d,
+	0x9948a7d2618e0996, 0x9f2b002a2308bca9, 0x809cef1f343272b3, 0xbd0bb25ff5c40599,
+	0x11dde5b740c1c64c, 0x60bf0a6a71cc89e8,
diff --git a/src/port/pg_crc32c_sse42.c b/src/port/pg_crc32c_sse42.c
index dcc4904a82..d2b435956f 100644
--- a/src/port/pg_crc32c_sse42.c
+++ b/src/port/pg_crc32c_sse42.c
@@ -25,15 +25,53 @@ pg_comp_crc32c_sse42(pg_crc32c crc, const void *data, size_t len)
 	const unsigned char *p = data;
 	const unsigned char *pend = p + len;
+	const size_t min_blocklen = 42; /* Min size to consider interleaving */
+	const pg_crc32c orig_crc = crc; /* XXX not for commit */
-	 * Process eight bytes of data at a time.
-	 *
 	 * NB: We do unaligned accesses here. The Intel architecture allows that,
 	 * and performance testing didn't show any performance gain from aligning
 	 * the begin address.
 #ifdef __x86_64__
+	/*
+	 * On large inputs, we divide into 3 equal chunks and compute CRC on each
+	 * independently. This works becasue we can combine the results using
+	 * carryless mulitplication. This is faster because on many architectures
+	 * a CRC instruction can be issued every cycle but the latency of its
+	 * result will take several cycles.
+	 */
+	while (p + min_blocklen * CRC_BYTES_PER_ITER <= pend)
+	{
+		const size_t block_len = Min(CRC_MAX_BLOCK_LEN, (pend - p) / CRC_BYTES_PER_ITER);
+		const uint64 *in64 = (const uint64 *) (p);
+		pg_crc32c	crc0 = crc,
+					crc1 = 0,
+					crc2 = 0;
+		uint64		mul0,
+					mul1,
+					precompute;
+		for (int i = 0; i < block_len; i++, in64++)
+		{
+			crc0 = _mm_crc32_u64(crc0, *(in64));
+			crc1 = _mm_crc32_u64(crc1, *(in64 + block_len));
+			crc2 = _mm_crc32_u64(crc2, *(in64 + block_len * 2));
+		}
+		precompute = combine_crc_lookup[block_len - 1];
+		mul0 = pg_clmul(crc0, (uint32) precompute);
+		mul1 = pg_clmul(crc1, (uint32) (precompute >> 32));
+		crc0 = _mm_crc32_u64(0, mul0);
+		crc1 = _mm_crc32_u64(0, mul1);
+		crc = crc0 ^ crc1 ^ crc2;
+		p += block_len * CRC_BYTES_PER_ITER;
+	}
+	/* Process eight bytes of data at a time. */
 	while (p + 8 <= pend)
 		crc = (uint32) _mm_crc32_u64(crc, *((const uint64 *) p));
@@ -66,5 +104,7 @@ pg_comp_crc32c_sse42(pg_crc32c crc, const void *data, size_t len)
+	/* XXX not for commit */
+	Assert(crc == pg_comp_crc32c_sb8(orig_crc, data, len));
 	return crc;

From 0bd72ee6440ded81531b3e0ec3009550a068bf11 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Paul Amonson <paul.d.amon...@intel.com>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 08:34:17 -0700
Subject: [PATCH v9 1/2] Add a Postgres SQL function for crc32c benchmarking

Add a drive_crc32c() function to use for benchmarking crc32c
computation. The function takes 2 arguments:

(1) count: num of times CRC32C is computed in a loop.
(2) num: #bytes in the buffer to calculate crc over.

XXX not for commit

Extracted from a patch by  Raghuveer Devulapalli
 contrib/meson.build                          |  1 +
 contrib/test_crc32c/Makefile                 | 20 +++++++
 contrib/test_crc32c/expected/test_crc32c.out | 57 ++++++++++++++++++++
 contrib/test_crc32c/meson.build              | 34 ++++++++++++
 contrib/test_crc32c/sql/test_crc32c.sql      |  3 ++
 contrib/test_crc32c/test_crc32c--1.0.sql     |  1 +
 contrib/test_crc32c/test_crc32c.c            | 47 ++++++++++++++++
 contrib/test_crc32c/test_crc32c.control      |  4 ++
 8 files changed, 167 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 contrib/test_crc32c/Makefile
 create mode 100644 contrib/test_crc32c/expected/test_crc32c.out
 create mode 100644 contrib/test_crc32c/meson.build
 create mode 100644 contrib/test_crc32c/sql/test_crc32c.sql
 create mode 100644 contrib/test_crc32c/test_crc32c--1.0.sql
 create mode 100644 contrib/test_crc32c/test_crc32c.c
 create mode 100644 contrib/test_crc32c/test_crc32c.control

diff --git a/contrib/meson.build b/contrib/meson.build
index 159ff41555..9275cb4ae9 100644
--- a/contrib/meson.build
+++ b/contrib/meson.build
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ contrib_doc_args = {
   'install_dir': contrib_doc_dir,
diff --git a/contrib/test_crc32c/Makefile b/contrib/test_crc32c/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b747c6184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/test_crc32c/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+MODULE_big = test_crc32c
+OBJS = test_crc32c.o
+PGFILEDESC = "test"
+EXTENSION = test_crc32c
+DATA = test_crc32c--1.0.sql
+first: all
+# test_crc32c.o:	CFLAGS+=-g
+ifdef USE_PGXS
+PG_CONFIG = pg_config
+PGXS := $(shell $(PG_CONFIG) --pgxs)
+include $(PGXS)
+subdir = src/test/modules/test_crc32c
+top_builddir = ../../../..
+include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
+include $(top_srcdir)/contrib/contrib-global.mk
diff --git a/contrib/test_crc32c/expected/test_crc32c.out b/contrib/test_crc32c/expected/test_crc32c.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dff6bb3133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/test_crc32c/expected/test_crc32c.out
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+CREATE EXTENSION test_crc32c;
+select drive_crc32c(1, i) from generate_series(100, 300, 4) i;
+ drive_crc32c 
+    532139994
+   2103623867
+    785984197
+   2686825890
+   3213049059
+   3819630168
+   1389234603
+    534072900
+   2930108140
+   2496889855
+   1475239611
+    136366931
+   3067402116
+   2012717871
+   3682416023
+   2054270645
+   1817339875
+   4100939569
+   1192727539
+   3636976218
+    369764421
+   3161609879
+   1067984880
+   1235066769
+   3138425899
+    648132037
+   4203750233
+   1330187888
+   2683521348
+   1951644495
+   2574090107
+   3904902018
+   3772697795
+   1644686344
+   2868962106
+   3369218491
+   3902689890
+   3456411865
+    141004025
+   1504497996
+   3782655204
+   3544797610
+   3429174879
+   2524728016
+   3935861181
+     25498897
+    692684159
+    345705535
+   2761600287
+   2654632420
+   3945991399
+(51 rows)
diff --git a/contrib/test_crc32c/meson.build b/contrib/test_crc32c/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7bec4ba1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/test_crc32c/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2022-2024, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
+test_crc32c_sources = files(
+  'test_crc32c.c',
+if host_system == 'windows'
+  test_crc32c_sources += rc_lib_gen.process(win32ver_rc, extra_args: [
+    '--NAME', 'test_crc32c',
+    '--FILEDESC', 'test_crc32c - test code for crc32c library',])
+test_crc32c = shared_module('test_crc32c',
+  test_crc32c_sources,
+  kwargs: contrib_mod_args,
+contrib_targets += test_crc32c
+  'test_crc32c.control',
+  'test_crc32c--1.0.sql',
+  kwargs: contrib_data_args,
+tests += {
+  'name': 'test_crc32c',
+  'sd': meson.current_source_dir(),
+  'bd': meson.current_build_dir(),
+  'regress': {
+    'sql': [
+      'test_crc32c',
+    ],
+  },
diff --git a/contrib/test_crc32c/sql/test_crc32c.sql b/contrib/test_crc32c/sql/test_crc32c.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..95c6dfe448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/test_crc32c/sql/test_crc32c.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+CREATE EXTENSION test_crc32c;
+select drive_crc32c(1, i) from generate_series(100, 300, 4) i;
diff --git a/contrib/test_crc32c/test_crc32c--1.0.sql b/contrib/test_crc32c/test_crc32c--1.0.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52b9772f90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/test_crc32c/test_crc32c--1.0.sql
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+CREATE FUNCTION drive_crc32c  (count int, num int) RETURNS bigint AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME' LANGUAGE C;
diff --git a/contrib/test_crc32c/test_crc32c.c b/contrib/test_crc32c/test_crc32c.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b350caf5ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/test_crc32c/test_crc32c.c
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/* select drive_crc32c(1000000, 1024); */
+#include "postgres.h"
+#include "fmgr.h"
+#include "port/pg_crc32c.h"
+#include "common/pg_prng.h"
+ * drive_crc32c(count: int, num: int) returns bigint
+ *
+ * count is the nuimber of loops to perform
+ *
+ * num is the number byte in the buffer to calculate
+ * crc32c over.
+ */
+	int64			count	= PG_GETARG_INT64(0);
+	int64			num		= PG_GETARG_INT64(1);
+	char*		data	= malloc((size_t)num);
+	pg_crc32c crc;
+	pg_prng_state state;
+	uint64 seed = 42;
+	pg_prng_seed(&state, seed);
+	/* set random data */
+	for (uint64 i = 0; i < num; i++)
+	{
+		data[i] = pg_prng_uint32(&state) % 255;
+	}
+	INIT_CRC32C(crc);
+	while(count--)
+	{
+		INIT_CRC32C(crc);
+		COMP_CRC32C(crc, data, num);
+		FIN_CRC32C(crc);
+	}
+	free((void *)data);
+	PG_RETURN_INT64((int64_t)crc);
diff --git a/contrib/test_crc32c/test_crc32c.control b/contrib/test_crc32c/test_crc32c.control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..878a077ee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/test_crc32c/test_crc32c.control
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+comment = 'test'
+default_version = '1.0'
+module_pathname = '$libdir/test_crc32c'
+relocatable = true

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