On Tue, Oct 15, 2024 at 1:25 AM Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> The rest is just memory leak removal, and I suspect that nobody really
> cares that much about small leakage in the preprocessor: you'd have to
> be running some darn big files through it to notice.  FTR, here are
> the total leaks reported by valgrind for running the ecpg regression
> tests, using code like
> $ grep lost: *log | tr -d ',' | awk '{sum += $5}
> END {print sum}'
> Before these patches:   25743
> after 0003:             59049363
> after 0005:             141556          (this is master now)
> after 0006(0001):       132633
> after 0007(0002):       9087
> after 0008(0003):       0
> So clearly, 0003 by itself wasn't good enough, but arguably no
> real users will notice the extra inefficiency as of HEAD.
> Still, I'd kind of like to get 0007 (now 0002) in there, and
> I believe 0006 (0001) is a necessary prerequisite to that.

Hi Tom,

I think you can go ahead and commit 0001-0003. For 0003 I do admit
being confused why valgrind had a problem with progname...

FWIW, I also took a quick eyeball check of the coverage output for
preproc.y looking for untested non-error branches that do things that
are not covered elsewhere, and I didn't notice any. Some places
allocating new connections are not covered, which should be handled by

John Naylor
Amazon Web Services

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