Marcos Pegoraro <> writes:
> But it would be good to have this patch applied to all supported versions,
> as soon as nothing was changed on that pg_dump option, no ?

Even more to the point, should we change pg_dump's help output?

  --load-via-partition-root    load partitions via the root table
  --no-comments                do not dump comments
  --no-publications            do not dump publications

Also, the identical text appears in pg_dumpall's man page and help
output, while pg_restore has a differently worded version:

        printf(_("  --no-comments                do not restore comments\n"));

pg_restore's man page seems OK though:

        Do not output commands to restore comments, even if the archive
        contains them.

Note: I would not argue for back-patching changes in the help output,
as that creates translation issues.  So probably back-patching the
SGML changes isn't appropriate either.  But we should make all of this
consistent in master.

                        regards, tom lane

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