On Fri, Nov 1, 2024 at 9:42 PM Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 1, 2024 at 2:21 AM Richard Guo <guofengli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > ... an aggregated row from the partial
> > aggregation matches the other side of the join if and only if each row
> > in the partial group does, thereby ensuring that all rows in the same
> > partial group have the same 'destiny'.
> Ah, I really like this turn of phrase! I think it's clearer and
> simpler than what I said. And I think it implies that we don't need to
> explicitly deduce surrogate grouping keys. For example if we have  A
> JOIN B JOIN C JOIN D JOIN E JOIN F, grouped by columns from A, we
> don't need to work out surrogate grouping keys for B and then C and
> then D and then E and then F. We can just look at F's join clauses and
> that tells us how to group, independent of anything else.
> But is there any hole in that approach? I think the question is
> whether the current row could be used in some way that doesn't show up
> in the join clauses. I can't think of any way for that to happen,
> really. I believe that any outerjoin-delayed quals will show up as
> join clauses, and stuff like ORDER BY and HAVING will happen after the
> aggregation (at least logically) so it should be fine. Windowed
> functions and ordered aggregates may be a blocker to the optimization,
> though: if the window function needs access to the unaggregated rows,
> or even just needs to know how many rows there are, then we'd better
> not aggregate them before the window function runs; and if the
> aggregate is ordered, we can only partially aggregate the data if it
> is already ordered in a way that is compatible with the final, desired
> ordering. Another case we might need to watch out for is RLS. RLS
> wants to apply all the security quals before any non-leakproof
> functions, and pushing down the aggregation might push an aggregate
> function past security quals. Perhaps there are other cases to worry
> about as well; this is all I can think of at the moment.

Yeah, ordered aggregates could be a blocker.  I think it might be best
to prevent the use of eager aggregation if root->numOrderedAggs > 0
for now.

I've been thinking about the window functions case, as Jian He also
mentioned it some time ago.  It seems that the window function's
argument(s), as well as the PARTITION BY expression(s), are supposed
to appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function.
And window functions are applied after the aggregation.  So it seems
that there is no problem with window functions.  But maybe I'm wrong.

I hadn't considered the RLS case before, but I think you're right.  To
simplify things, maybe for now we can just prevent pushing down the
aggregation if the query applies some RLS policy, by checking

> But regardless of those kinds of cases, the basic idea that we want
> the partially aggregate rows to join if and only if the unaggregated
> rows would have joined seems exactly correct to me, and that provides
> theoretical justification for deriving the surrogate grouping key
> directly from the join quals. Woot!

Thank you for the confirmation!


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