On Sat, 2 Nov 2024 at 22:13, Andrei Lepikhov <lepi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Okay, I passed through the code. It looks good. Hashing expressions are
> too simple to give notably impressive results, but it is a step in the
> right direction.
> I found only one minor issue: an outdated comment (see attachment).

Thanks for looking. I ended up doing a bit more work on that comment.
See attached.

I was performing some final benchmarks on this and found that there's
a small performance regression for hashed subplans.

The test case is:
create table t1 (a int);
insert into t1 select a from generate_series(1,100000)a;

select * from t1 where a not in(select a from t1);

With my Zen4 laptop I get:

master tps = 58.0375255
v5-0001 tps = 56.11840762

master tps = 58.72993378
v5-0001 tps = 53.39965968

Zen2 3990x
master tps = 34.30392818
v5-0001 tps = 33.22067202

master tps = 34.0497471
v5-0001 tps = 33.34801254

That's the average over 50 runs starting and stopping the server on
each 10 second run.

I'm still thinking about what to do about this. In the meantime, I'm
not going to commit it.

> Also, to make a hash calculation as fast as possible, should we add the
> call of murmurhash32 as an optional step of ExprState in the
> ExecBuildHash32FromAttrs?

I wrote enough of this patch to test the performance. It does not
help. See attached 0002.

From 31cffc52c302e63da6c6f0c20cf8cc7c8162c191 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Rowley <dgrow...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2024 16:56:48 +1200
Subject: [PATCH v5 1/2] Use ExprStates for hashing in GROUP BY and SubPlans

This speeds up obtaining hash values for GROUP BY and for hashed
SubPlan by using the ExprState support for hashing.  This allows JIT
compilation for hash value.  This hash shown to improve Hash Aggregate
performance in some cases by about 3%.

In passing, fix a hypothetical bug in ExecBuildHash32Expr() so that the
initial value is stored directly in the ExprState's result field if
there are no expressions to hash.  None of the current users of this
function uses an initial value, so the bug is only hypothetical.

Reviewed-by: Andrei Lepikhov <lepi...@gmail.com>
 src/backend/executor/execExpr.c     | 155 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/backend/executor/execGrouping.c |  82 ++++++---------
 src/backend/executor/nodeSubplan.c  |  17 ++-
 src/include/executor/executor.h     |  10 +-
 src/include/nodes/execnodes.h       |  25 +++--
 5 files changed, 223 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/backend/executor/execExpr.c b/src/backend/executor/execExpr.c
index 8f7a534005..c7bb13e270 100644
--- a/src/backend/executor/execExpr.c
+++ b/src/backend/executor/execExpr.c
@@ -3971,6 +3971,161 @@ ExecBuildAggTransCall(ExprState *state, AggState 
+ * Build an ExprState that calls the given hash function(s) on the attnums
+ * given by 'keyColIdx' .  When numCols > 1, the hash values returned by each
+ * hash function are combined to produce a single hash value.
+ *
+ * desc: tuple descriptor for the to-be-hashed columns
+ * ops: TupleTableSlotOps to use for the give TupleDesc
+ * hashfunctions: FmgrInfos for each hash function to call, one per numCols.
+ * These are used directly in the returned ExprState so must remain allocated.
+ * collations: collation to use when calling the hash function.
+ * numCols: array length of hashfunctions, collations and keyColIdx.
+ * parent: PlanState node that the resulting ExprState will be evaluated at
+ * init_value: Normally 0, but can be set to other values to seed the hash
+ * with.  Non-zero is marginally slower, so best to only use if it's provably
+ * worthwhile.
+ */
+ExprState *
+ExecBuildHash32FromAttrs(TupleDesc desc, const TupleTableSlotOps *ops,
+                                                FmgrInfo *hashfunctions, Oid 
+                                                int numCols, AttrNumber 
+                                                PlanState *parent, uint32 
+       ExprState  *state = makeNode(ExprState);
+       ExprEvalStep scratch = {0};
+       NullableDatum *iresult = NULL;
+       intptr_t        opcode;
+       AttrNumber      last_attnum = 0;
+       Assert(numCols >= 0);
+       state->parent = parent;
+       /*
+        * Make a place to store intermediate hash values between subsequent
+        * hashing of individual columns.  We only need this if there is more 
+        * one column to hash or an initial value plus one column.
+        */
+       if ((int64) numCols + (init_value != 0) > 1)
+               iresult = palloc(sizeof(NullableDatum));
+       /* find the highest attnum so we deform the tuple to that point */
+       for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++)
+               last_attnum = Max(last_attnum, keyColIdx[i]);
+       scratch.opcode = EEOP_INNER_FETCHSOME;
+       scratch.d.fetch.last_var = last_attnum;
+       scratch.d.fetch.fixed = false;
+       scratch.d.fetch.kind = NULL;
+       scratch.d.fetch.known_desc = NULL;
+       if (ExecComputeSlotInfo(state, &scratch))
+               ExprEvalPushStep(state, &scratch);
+       if (init_value == 0)
+       {
+               /*
+                * No initial value, so we can assign the result of the hash 
+                * for the first hash_expr without having to concern ourselves 
+                * combining the result with any initial value.
+                */
+               opcode = EEOP_HASHDATUM_FIRST;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+               /*
+                * Set up operation to set the initial value.  Normally we 
store this
+                * in the intermediate hash value location, but if there are no
+                * columns to hash, store it in the ExprState's result field.
+                */
+               scratch.opcode = EEOP_HASHDATUM_SET_INITVAL;
+               scratch.d.hashdatum_initvalue.init_value = 
+               scratch.resvalue = numCols > 0 ? &iresult->value : 
+               scratch.resnull = numCols > 0 ? &iresult->isnull : 
+               ExprEvalPushStep(state, &scratch);
+               /*
+                * When using an initial value use the NEXT32 ops as the FIRST 
+                * would overwrite the stored initial value.
+                */
+               opcode = EEOP_HASHDATUM_NEXT32;
+       }
+       for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++)
+       {
+               FmgrInfo   *finfo;
+               FunctionCallInfo fcinfo;
+               Oid                     inputcollid = collations[i];
+               AttrNumber      attnum = keyColIdx[i] - 1;
+               finfo = &hashfunctions[i];
+               fcinfo = palloc0(SizeForFunctionCallInfo(1));
+               /* Initialize function call parameter structure too */
+               InitFunctionCallInfoData(*fcinfo, finfo, 1, inputcollid, NULL, 
+               /*
+                * Fetch inner Var for this attnum and store it in the 1st arg 
of the
+                * hash func.
+                */
+               scratch.opcode = EEOP_INNER_VAR;
+               scratch.resvalue = &fcinfo->args[0].value;
+               scratch.resnull = &fcinfo->args[0].isnull;
+               scratch.d.var.attnum = attnum;
+               scratch.d.var.vartype = TupleDescAttr(desc, attnum)->atttypid;
+               ExprEvalPushStep(state, &scratch);
+               /* Call the hash function */
+               scratch.opcode = opcode;
+               if (i == numCols - 1)
+               {
+                       /*
+                        * The result for hashing the final column is stored in 
+                        * ExprState.
+                        */
+                       scratch.resvalue = &state->resvalue;
+                       scratch.resnull = &state->resnull;
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                       Assert(iresult != NULL);
+                       /* intermediate values are stored in an intermediate 
result */
+                       scratch.resvalue = &iresult->value;
+                       scratch.resnull = &iresult->isnull;
+               }
+               /*
+                * NEXT32 opcodes need to look at the intermediate result.  We 
+                * as well just set this for all ops.  FIRSTs won't look at it.
+                */
+               scratch.d.hashdatum.iresult = iresult;
+               scratch.d.hashdatum.finfo = finfo;
+               scratch.d.hashdatum.fcinfo_data = fcinfo;
+               scratch.d.hashdatum.fn_addr = finfo->fn_addr;
+               scratch.d.hashdatum.jumpdone = -1;
+               ExprEvalPushStep(state, &scratch);
+               /* subsequent attnums must be combined with the previous */
+               opcode = EEOP_HASHDATUM_NEXT32;
+       }
+       scratch.resvalue = NULL;
+       scratch.resnull = NULL;
+       scratch.opcode = EEOP_DONE;
+       ExprEvalPushStep(state, &scratch);
+       ExecReadyExpr(state);
+       return state;
  * Build an ExprState that calls the given hash function(s) on the given
  * 'hash_exprs'.  When multiple expressions are present, the hash values
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/execGrouping.c 
index 774e4de882..9a88fc6524 100644
--- a/src/backend/executor/execGrouping.c
+++ b/src/backend/executor/execGrouping.c
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ BuildTupleHashTableExt(PlanState *parent,
        Size            hash_mem_limit;
        MemoryContext oldcontext;
        bool            allow_jit;
+       uint32          hash_iv = 0;
        Assert(nbuckets > 0);
@@ -183,14 +184,13 @@ BuildTupleHashTableExt(PlanState *parent,
        hashtable->numCols = numCols;
        hashtable->keyColIdx = keyColIdx;
-       hashtable->tab_hash_funcs = hashfunctions;
        hashtable->tab_collations = collations;
        hashtable->tablecxt = tablecxt;
        hashtable->tempcxt = tempcxt;
        hashtable->entrysize = entrysize;
        hashtable->tableslot = NULL;    /* will be made on first lookup */
        hashtable->inputslot = NULL;
-       hashtable->in_hash_funcs = NULL;
+       hashtable->in_hash_expr = NULL;
        hashtable->cur_eq_func = NULL;
@@ -202,9 +202,7 @@ BuildTupleHashTableExt(PlanState *parent,
         * underestimated.
        if (use_variable_hash_iv)
-               hashtable->hash_iv = murmurhash32(ParallelWorkerNumber);
-       else
-               hashtable->hash_iv = 0;
+               hash_iv = murmurhash32(ParallelWorkerNumber);
        hashtable->hashtab = tuplehash_create(metacxt, nbuckets, hashtable);
@@ -225,6 +223,16 @@ BuildTupleHashTableExt(PlanState *parent,
        allow_jit = metacxt != tablecxt;
+       /* build hash ExprState for all columns */
+       hashtable->tab_hash_expr = ExecBuildHash32FromAttrs(inputDesc,
                                allow_jit ? parent : NULL,
        /* build comparator for all columns */
        /* XXX: should we support non-minimal tuples for the inputslot? */
        hashtable->tab_eq_func = ExecBuildGroupingEqual(inputDesc, inputDesc,
@@ -316,7 +324,7 @@ LookupTupleHashEntry(TupleHashTable hashtable, 
TupleTableSlot *slot,
        /* set up data needed by hash and match functions */
        hashtable->inputslot = slot;
-       hashtable->in_hash_funcs = hashtable->tab_hash_funcs;
+       hashtable->in_hash_expr = hashtable->tab_hash_expr;
        hashtable->cur_eq_func = hashtable->tab_eq_func;
        local_hash = TupleHashTableHash_internal(hashtable->hashtab, NULL);
@@ -342,7 +350,7 @@ TupleHashTableHash(TupleHashTable hashtable, TupleTableSlot 
        uint32          hash;
        hashtable->inputslot = slot;
-       hashtable->in_hash_funcs = hashtable->tab_hash_funcs;
+       hashtable->in_hash_expr = hashtable->tab_hash_expr;
        /* Need to run the hash functions in short-lived context */
        oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(hashtable->tempcxt);
@@ -370,7 +378,7 @@ LookupTupleHashEntryHash(TupleHashTable hashtable, 
TupleTableSlot *slot,
        /* set up data needed by hash and match functions */
        hashtable->inputslot = slot;
-       hashtable->in_hash_funcs = hashtable->tab_hash_funcs;
+       hashtable->in_hash_expr = hashtable->tab_hash_expr;
        hashtable->cur_eq_func = hashtable->tab_eq_func;
        entry = LookupTupleHashEntry_internal(hashtable, slot, isnew, hash);
@@ -386,14 +394,14 @@ LookupTupleHashEntryHash(TupleHashTable hashtable, 
TupleTableSlot *slot,
  * created if there's not a match.  This is similar to the non-creating
  * case of LookupTupleHashEntry, except that it supports cross-type
  * comparisons, in which the given tuple is not of the same type as the
- * table entries.  The caller must provide the hash functions to use for
- * the input tuple, as well as the equality functions, since these may be
+ * table entries.  The caller must provide the hash ExprState to use for
+ * the input tuple, as well as the equality ExprState, since these may be
  * different from the table's internal functions.
 FindTupleHashEntry(TupleHashTable hashtable, TupleTableSlot *slot,
                                   ExprState *eqcomp,
-                                  FmgrInfo *hashfunctions)
+                                  ExprState *hashexpr)
        TupleHashEntry entry;
        MemoryContext oldContext;
@@ -404,7 +412,7 @@ FindTupleHashEntry(TupleHashTable hashtable, TupleTableSlot 
        /* Set up data needed by hash and match functions */
        hashtable->inputslot = slot;
-       hashtable->in_hash_funcs = hashfunctions;
+       hashtable->in_hash_expr = hashexpr;
        hashtable->cur_eq_func = eqcomp;
        /* Search the hash table */
@@ -421,25 +429,24 @@ FindTupleHashEntry(TupleHashTable hashtable, 
TupleTableSlot *slot,
  * copied into the table.
  * Also, the caller must select an appropriate memory context for running
- * the hash functions. (dynahash.c doesn't change CurrentMemoryContext.)
+ * the hash functions.
 static uint32
 TupleHashTableHash_internal(struct tuplehash_hash *tb,
                                                        const MinimalTuple 
        TupleHashTable hashtable = (TupleHashTable) tb->private_data;
-       int                     numCols = hashtable->numCols;
-       AttrNumber *keyColIdx = hashtable->keyColIdx;
-       uint32          hashkey = hashtable->hash_iv;
+       uint32          hashkey;
        TupleTableSlot *slot;
-       FmgrInfo   *hashfunctions;
-       int                     i;
+       bool            isnull;
        if (tuple == NULL)
                /* Process the current input tuple for the table */
-               slot = hashtable->inputslot;
-               hashfunctions = hashtable->in_hash_funcs;
+               hashtable->exprcontext->ecxt_innertuple = hashtable->inputslot;
+               hashkey = DatumGetUInt32(ExecEvalExpr(hashtable->in_hash_expr,
@@ -449,38 +456,17 @@ TupleHashTableHash_internal(struct tuplehash_hash *tb,
                 * (this case never actually occurs due to the way simplehash.h 
                 * used, as the hash-value is stored in the entries)
-               slot = hashtable->tableslot;
+               slot = hashtable->exprcontext->ecxt_innertuple = 
                ExecStoreMinimalTuple(tuple, slot, false);
-               hashfunctions = hashtable->tab_hash_funcs;
-       }
-       for (i = 0; i < numCols; i++)
-       {
-               AttrNumber      att = keyColIdx[i];
-               Datum           attr;
-               bool            isNull;
-               /* combine successive hashkeys by rotating */
-               hashkey = pg_rotate_left32(hashkey, 1);
-               attr = slot_getattr(slot, att, &isNull);
-               if (!isNull)                    /* treat nulls as having hash 
key 0 */
-               {
-                       uint32          hkey;
-                       hkey = 
-                       hashkey ^= hkey;
-               }
+               hashkey = DatumGetUInt32(ExecEvalExpr(hashtable->tab_hash_expr,
-        * The way hashes are combined above, among each other and with the IV,
-        * doesn't lead to good bit perturbation. As the IV's goal is to lead to
-        * achieve that, perform a round of hashing of the combined hash -
-        * resulting in near perfect perturbation.
+        * The hashing done above, even with an initial value, doesn't tend to
+        * result in good hash perturbation.  Running the value produced above
+        * through murmurhash32 leads to near perfect hash perturbation.
        return murmurhash32(hashkey);
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/nodeSubplan.c 
index 236222d72a..40bae49267 100644
--- a/src/backend/executor/nodeSubplan.c
+++ b/src/backend/executor/nodeSubplan.c
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ ExecHashSubPlan(SubPlanState *node,
node->lhs_hash_funcs) != NULL)
+                                                          node->lhs_hash_expr) 
!= NULL)
                        return BoolGetDatum(true);
@@ -857,7 +857,6 @@ ExecInitSubPlan(SubPlan *subplan, PlanState *parent)
        sstate->tab_eq_funcoids = NULL;
        sstate->tab_hash_funcs = NULL;
        sstate->tab_collations = NULL;
-       sstate->lhs_hash_funcs = NULL;
        sstate->cur_eq_funcs = NULL;
@@ -897,6 +896,7 @@ ExecInitSubPlan(SubPlan *subplan, PlanState *parent)
                TupleDesc       tupDescRight;
                Oid                *cross_eq_funcoids;
                TupleTableSlot *slot;
+               FmgrInfo   *lhs_hash_funcs;
                List       *oplist,
@@ -953,7 +953,7 @@ ExecInitSubPlan(SubPlan *subplan, PlanState *parent)
                sstate->tab_eq_funcoids = (Oid *) palloc(ncols * sizeof(Oid));
                sstate->tab_collations = (Oid *) palloc(ncols * sizeof(Oid));
                sstate->tab_hash_funcs = (FmgrInfo *) palloc(ncols * 
-               sstate->lhs_hash_funcs = (FmgrInfo *) palloc(ncols * 
+               lhs_hash_funcs = (FmgrInfo *) palloc(ncols * sizeof(FmgrInfo));
                sstate->cur_eq_funcs = (FmgrInfo *) palloc(ncols * 
                /* we'll need the cross-type equality fns below, but not in 
sstate */
                cross_eq_funcoids = (Oid *) palloc(ncols * sizeof(Oid));
@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ ExecInitSubPlan(SubPlan *subplan, PlanState *parent)
&left_hashfn, &right_hashfn))
                                elog(ERROR, "could not find hash function for 
hash operator %u",
-                       fmgr_info(left_hashfn, &sstate->lhs_hash_funcs[i - 1]);
+                       fmgr_info(left_hashfn, &lhs_hash_funcs[i - 1]);
                        fmgr_info(right_hashfn, &sstate->tab_hash_funcs[i - 1]);
                        /* Set collation */
@@ -1039,6 +1039,15 @@ ExecInitSubPlan(SubPlan *subplan, PlanState *parent)
+               sstate->lhs_hash_expr = ExecBuildHash32FromAttrs(tupDescLeft,
                 * Create comparator for lookups of rows in the table 
                 * cross-type comparisons).
diff --git a/src/include/executor/executor.h b/src/include/executor/executor.h
index 69c3ebff00..e77377ff9b 100644
--- a/src/include/executor/executor.h
+++ b/src/include/executor/executor.h
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ extern TupleHashEntry 
LookupTupleHashEntryHash(TupleHashTable hashtable,
 extern TupleHashEntry FindTupleHashEntry(TupleHashTable hashtable,
 TupleTableSlot *slot,
 ExprState *eqcomp,
 FmgrInfo *hashfunctions);
 ExprState *hashexpr);
 extern void ResetTupleHashTable(TupleHashTable hashtable);
@@ -289,6 +289,14 @@ extern ExprState *ExecInitCheck(List *qual, PlanState 
 extern List *ExecInitExprList(List *nodes, PlanState *parent);
 extern ExprState *ExecBuildAggTrans(AggState *aggstate, struct 
AggStatePerPhaseData *phase,
doSort, bool doHash, bool nullcheck);
+extern ExprState *ExecBuildHash32FromAttrs(TupleDesc desc,
   const TupleTableSlotOps *ops,
   FmgrInfo *hashfunctions,
   Oid *collations,
   int numCols,
   AttrNumber *keyColIdx,
   PlanState *parent,
   uint32 init_value);
 extern ExprState *ExecBuildHash32Expr(TupleDesc desc,
TupleTableSlotOps *ops,
Oid *hashfunc_oids,
diff --git a/src/include/nodes/execnodes.h b/src/include/nodes/execnodes.h
index 182a6956bb..7f71b7625d 100644
--- a/src/include/nodes/execnodes.h
+++ b/src/include/nodes/execnodes.h
@@ -795,15 +795,15 @@ typedef struct ExecAuxRowMark
  * All-in-memory tuple hash tables are used for a number of purposes.
- * Note: tab_hash_funcs are for the key datatype(s) stored in the table,
- * and tab_eq_func are non-cross-type equality operators for those types.
- * Normally these are the only functions used, but FindTupleHashEntry()
- * supports searching a hashtable using cross-data-type hashing.  For that,
- * the caller must supply hash functions for the LHS datatype as well as
- * the cross-type equality operators to use.  in_hash_funcs and cur_eq_func
- * are set to point to the caller's function arrays while doing such a search.
- * During LookupTupleHashEntry(), they point to tab_hash_funcs and
- * tab_eq_func respectively.
+ * Note: tab_hash_expr is for hashing the key datatype(s) stored in the table,
+ * and tab_eq_func is a non-cross-type ExprState for equality checks on those
+ * types.  Normally these are the only ExprStates used, but
+ * FindTupleHashEntry() supports searching a hashtable using cross-data-type
+ * hashing.  For that, the caller must supply an ExprState to hash the LHS
+ * datatype as well as the cross-type equality ExprState to use.  in_hash_expr
+ * and cur_eq_func are set to point to the caller's hash and equality
+ * ExprStates while doing such a search.  During LookupTupleHashEntry(), they
+ * point to tab_hash_expr and tab_eq_func respectively.
  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
 typedef struct TupleHashEntryData *TupleHashEntry;
@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ typedef struct TupleHashTableData
        tuplehash_hash *hashtab;        /* underlying hash table */
        int                     numCols;                /* number of columns in 
lookup key */
        AttrNumber *keyColIdx;          /* attr numbers of key columns */
-       FmgrInfo   *tab_hash_funcs; /* hash functions for table datatype(s) */
+       ExprState  *tab_hash_expr;      /* ExprState for hashing table 
datatype(s) */
        ExprState  *tab_eq_func;        /* comparator for table datatype(s) */
        Oid                *tab_collations; /* collations for hash and 
comparison */
        MemoryContext tablecxt;         /* memory context containing table */
@@ -839,9 +839,8 @@ typedef struct TupleHashTableData
        TupleTableSlot *tableslot;      /* slot for referencing table entries */
        /* The following fields are set transiently for each table search: */
        TupleTableSlot *inputslot;      /* current input tuple's slot */
-       FmgrInfo   *in_hash_funcs;      /* hash functions for input datatype(s) 
+       ExprState  *in_hash_expr;       /* ExprState for hashing input 
datatype(s) */
        ExprState  *cur_eq_func;        /* comparator for input vs. table */
-       uint32          hash_iv;                /* hash-function IV */
        ExprContext *exprcontext;       /* expression context */
 }                      TupleHashTableData;
@@ -994,7 +993,7 @@ typedef struct SubPlanState
datatype(s) */
        Oid                *tab_collations; /* collations for hash and 
comparison */
        FmgrInfo   *tab_hash_funcs; /* hash functions for table datatype(s) */
-       FmgrInfo   *lhs_hash_funcs; /* hash functions for lefthand datatype(s) 
+       ExprState  *lhs_hash_expr;      /* hash expr for lefthand datatype(s) */
        FmgrInfo   *cur_eq_funcs;       /* equality functions for LHS vs. table 
        ExprState  *cur_eq_comp;        /* equality comparator for LHS vs. 
table */
 } SubPlanState;

From ed798392e2fc0e0df167b80d468faaf74fd4bc33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Rowley <dgrow...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2024 23:45:07 +1300
Subject: [PATCH v5 2/2] Support murmur32 hashing of the final ExprState hash

*** No JIT support yet ***
 src/backend/executor/execExpr.c       | 18 +++++++++++++++---
 src/backend/executor/execExprInterp.c | 11 +++++++++++
 src/backend/executor/execGrouping.c   | 23 ++++++++---------------
 src/backend/executor/nodeSubplan.c    |  3 ++-
 src/include/executor/execExpr.h       |  1 +
 src/include/executor/executor.h       |  3 ++-
 6 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/backend/executor/execExpr.c b/src/backend/executor/execExpr.c
index c7bb13e270..b55431229d 100644
--- a/src/backend/executor/execExpr.c
+++ b/src/backend/executor/execExpr.c
@@ -3986,12 +3986,15 @@ ExecBuildAggTransCall(ExprState *state, AggState 
  * init_value: Normally 0, but can be set to other values to seed the hash
  * with.  Non-zero is marginally slower, so best to only use if it's provably
  * worthwhile.
+ * murmurfinal: Can be set to true to have the final result hashed through
+ * murmur32.  This can improve the hash perturbation of the result.
 ExprState *
 ExecBuildHash32FromAttrs(TupleDesc desc, const TupleTableSlotOps *ops,
                                                 FmgrInfo *hashfunctions, Oid 
                                                 int numCols, AttrNumber 
-                                                PlanState *parent, uint32 
+                                                PlanState *parent, uint32 
+                                                bool murmurfinal)
        ExprState  *state = makeNode(ExprState);
        ExprEvalStep scratch = {0};
@@ -4008,7 +4011,7 @@ ExecBuildHash32FromAttrs(TupleDesc desc, const 
TupleTableSlotOps *ops,
         * hashing of individual columns.  We only need this if there is more 
         * one column to hash or an initial value plus one column.
-       if ((int64) numCols + (init_value != 0) > 1)
+       if ((int64) numCols + (init_value != 0) > 1 || murmurfinal)
                iresult = palloc(sizeof(NullableDatum));
        /* find the highest attnum so we deform the tuple to that point */
@@ -4081,7 +4084,7 @@ ExecBuildHash32FromAttrs(TupleDesc desc, const 
TupleTableSlotOps *ops,
                /* Call the hash function */
                scratch.opcode = opcode;
-               if (i == numCols - 1)
+               if (i == numCols - 1 && !murmurfinal)
                         * The result for hashing the final column is stored in 
@@ -4116,6 +4119,15 @@ ExecBuildHash32FromAttrs(TupleDesc desc, const 
TupleTableSlotOps *ops,
                opcode = EEOP_HASHDATUM_NEXT32;
+       if (murmurfinal)
+       {
+               scratch.opcode = EEOP_HASHDATUM_MURMUR32_FINAL;
+               scratch.resvalue = &state->resvalue;
+               scratch.resnull = &state->resnull;
+               scratch.d.hashdatum.iresult = iresult;
+               ExprEvalPushStep(state, &scratch);
+       }
        scratch.resvalue = NULL;
        scratch.resnull = NULL;
        scratch.opcode = EEOP_DONE;
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/execExprInterp.c 
index 30c5a19aad..391835a3e5 100644
--- a/src/backend/executor/execExprInterp.c
+++ b/src/backend/executor/execExprInterp.c
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
 #include "access/heaptoast.h"
 #include "catalog/pg_type.h"
 #include "commands/sequence.h"
+#include "common/hashfn.h"
 #include "executor/execExpr.h"
 #include "executor/nodeSubplan.h"
 #include "funcapi.h"
@@ -482,6 +483,7 @@ ExecInterpExpr(ExprState *state, ExprContext *econtext, 
bool *isnull)
@@ -1655,6 +1657,15 @@ ExecInterpExpr(ExprState *state, ExprContext *econtext, 
bool *isnull)
+               {
+                       uint32          hashkey = 
+                       *op->resvalue = murmurhash32(hashkey);
+                       *op->resnull = false;
+                       EEO_NEXT();
+               }
                        /* too complex for an inline implementation */
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/execGrouping.c 
index 9a88fc6524..5d88f517d5 100644
--- a/src/backend/executor/execGrouping.c
+++ b/src/backend/executor/execGrouping.c
@@ -231,7 +231,8 @@ BuildTupleHashTableExt(PlanState *parent,
                                allow_jit ? parent : NULL,
        /* build comparator for all columns */
        /* XXX: should we support non-minimal tuples for the inputslot? */
@@ -436,7 +437,6 @@ TupleHashTableHash_internal(struct tuplehash_hash *tb,
                                                        const MinimalTuple 
        TupleHashTable hashtable = (TupleHashTable) tb->private_data;
-       uint32          hashkey;
        TupleTableSlot *slot;
        bool            isnull;
@@ -444,9 +444,9 @@ TupleHashTableHash_internal(struct tuplehash_hash *tb,
                /* Process the current input tuple for the table */
                hashtable->exprcontext->ecxt_innertuple = hashtable->inputslot;
-               hashkey = DatumGetUInt32(ExecEvalExpr(hashtable->in_hash_expr,
+               return DatumGetUInt32(ExecEvalExpr(hashtable->in_hash_expr,
@@ -458,17 +458,10 @@ TupleHashTableHash_internal(struct tuplehash_hash *tb,
                slot = hashtable->exprcontext->ecxt_innertuple = 
                ExecStoreMinimalTuple(tuple, slot, false);
-               hashkey = DatumGetUInt32(ExecEvalExpr(hashtable->tab_hash_expr,
+               return DatumGetUInt32(ExecEvalExpr(hashtable->tab_hash_expr,
-       /*
-        * The hashing done above, even with an initial value, doesn't tend to
-        * result in good hash perturbation.  Running the value produced above
-        * through murmurhash32 leads to near perfect hash perturbation.
-        */
-       return murmurhash32(hashkey);
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/nodeSubplan.c 
index 40bae49267..0e3d97f4f0 100644
--- a/src/backend/executor/nodeSubplan.c
+++ b/src/backend/executor/nodeSubplan.c
@@ -1046,7 +1046,8 @@ ExecInitSubPlan(SubPlan *subplan, PlanState *parent)
                 * Create comparator for lookups of rows in the table 
diff --git a/src/include/executor/execExpr.h b/src/include/executor/execExpr.h
index cd97dfa062..081d91cf6a 100644
--- a/src/include/executor/execExpr.h
+++ b/src/include/executor/execExpr.h
@@ -241,6 +241,7 @@ typedef enum ExprEvalOp
        /* evaluate assorted special-purpose expression types */
diff --git a/src/include/executor/executor.h b/src/include/executor/executor.h
index e77377ff9b..210217f406 100644
--- a/src/include/executor/executor.h
+++ b/src/include/executor/executor.h
@@ -296,7 +296,8 @@ extern ExprState *ExecBuildHash32FromAttrs(TupleDesc desc,
   int numCols,
   AttrNumber *keyColIdx,
   PlanState *parent,
   uint32 init_value);
   uint32 init_value,
   bool murmurfinal);
 extern ExprState *ExecBuildHash32Expr(TupleDesc desc,
TupleTableSlotOps *ops,
Oid *hashfunc_oids,

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