We don't seem to be agreeing on much here... :-(

On Tue, 29 Oct 2024 at 13:30, David G. Johnston
<david.g.johns...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 28, 2024 at 3:54 PM David Rowley <dgrowle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm concerned about the wording "all index-scan related".  It's not
>> that clear if that would include Bitmap Index Scans or not.
> That was partially the point of writing "all" there - absent other 
> information, and seeing how index-only scans were treated, I presumed it was 
> indeed actually or effectively a switch for all.  If it is not it should be 
> made clear which node types with the word index in them are not affected.

I'm very much against mentioning which things are *not* affected by
settings. It doesn't seem like a very sustainable way to write

>> I think
>> it's better to explicitly mention index-only-scans to make it clear
>> which nodes are affected.
> I hadn't considered Bitmap Index Scans but I would expect if you do not use 
> index scans then the ability to produce bitmaps from them would be precluded.
> I could see pointing out, in enable_bitmapscan, that enable_bitmapscan is 
> effectively disabled (for index inputs) when enable_indexscan is set to off.  
> Then, in enable_indexscan, add a "see also" to enable_bitmapscan with a brief 
> reason as well.

I don't follow this. enable_bitmapscan is completely independent from

> Is there a listing of all node types produced by PostgreSQL (with the explain 
> output naming) along with which ones are affected by which enable_* knobs 
> (possibly multiple for something like Bitmap Index Scan)?

No. We purposefully do our best not to document executor nodes. The
enable_* GUCs is one place where it's hard to avoid.

>> +        types. The default is <literal>on</literal>. The
>> index-only-scan plan types
>> +        can be independently disabled by setting <xref
>> linkend="guc-enable-indexonlyscan"/>
>> +        to <literal>off</literal>.
>> I wondered if it's better to reference the enable_indexonlyscan GUC
>> here rather than document what enable_indexonlyscan does from the
>> enable_indexscan docs. Maybe just a "Also see enable_indexonlyscans."
>> could be added?
> I prefer to briefly explain why we advise the reader to go "see also" here.
>> -        The default is <literal>on</literal>.
>> +        The default is <literal>on</literal>. However, this setting
>> has no effect if
>> +        <xref linkend="guc-enable-indexscan"/> is set to
>> <literal>off</literal>.
>> Could we just add "The <xref linkend="guc-enable-indexscan"/> setting
>> must also be enabled to have the query planner consider
>> index-only-scans"?
> I'd like to stick with a conjunction there but agree the "must be enabled" 
> wording is preferrable, avoiding the double-negative.
> "The default is on, but the <xref> setting must also be enabled."
> The 'to have the...' part seems to just be redundant.

I think it's confusing to include this as part of the mention of what
the default value is. The default value and enable_indexscans being
the master switch aren't at all related.


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