E.g. this fails to compile:

FROM chainguard/git:latest-dev AS builder
USER root
RUN apk update && apk add --no-cache --update-cache clang-19
postgresql-17-dev openssl-dev
COPY <<EOF ./main.cpp
int main(){return PQconnectdb("")==NULL;}
RUN clang++ -static -o main main.cpp -lpq -lpgcommon -lpgport -lssl -lcrypto

On Thu, Oct 10, 2024 at 12:16 PM Aleksander Alekseev <
aleksan...@timescale.com> wrote:

> Hi Mikael,
> Please use the "Reply to All" button - send your emails to the mailing
> list, not to me directly.
> > The official packages and the original source tar both fail to compile,
> the patch enables it to compile.
> I just run:
> ```
> docker run -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=foo postgres:17.0-alpine3.20
> ```
> ... on my spare Raspberry Pi and it works just fine. Also PostgreSQL
> is tested on Alpine [1].
> It means that your custom Dockerfile is wrong. I suggest comparing it
> with the one published on hub.docker.com [2]. Also I would recommend
> reading the documentation section about compiling PostgreSQL from
> source code [3]. I have a few scripts [4] that may help you correct
> the Dockerfile as well [4].
> All this of course assumes that you really want your custom Dockerfile
> instead of using "official" / well regarded 17.0-alpine3.20 one.
> [1]: https://buildfarm.postgresql.org/cgi-bin/show_status.pl
> [2]:
> https://github.com/docker-library/postgres/blob/172544062d1031004b241e917f5f3f9dfebc0df5/17/alpine3.20/Dockerfile
> [3]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/installation.html
> [4]: https://github.com/afiskon/pgscripts/
> --
> Best regards,
> Aleksander Alekseev

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