On Sun, Jul  7, 2024 at 09:52:27PM +0000, 
fujii.y...@df.mitsubishielectric.co.jp wrote:
> Hi Bruce.
> > From: Bruce Momjian <br...@momjian.us>
> > Is there a reason the documentation is no longer a part of this patch?
> > Can I help you keep it current?
> Here are the reasons:
>   Reason1. The approach differs significantly from the previous patch that 
> included documentation, the below.
> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/attachment/152086/0001-Partial-aggregates-push-down-v34.patch
>   Reason2. I have two options for transmitting the state value and I'm 
> evaluating which one is optimal.
>    One is what I presented you in PGConf.dev2024. The other is Jelte's one.
>    He listened to my talk at the conference and gave me some useful comments 
> on hackers. I'm very grateful that.
>   Reason3. The implementation and test have been not finished yet.
> Regarding Reason 2, I provided my conclusion in the previous message.
> My plan for advancing the patch involves the following steps:
>   Step1. Decide the approach on transmitting state value.
>   Step2. Implement code (including comments) and tests to support a subset of 
> aggregate functions.
>     Specifically, I plan to support avg, sum, and other aggregate functions 
> like min and max which don't need export/import functions.
>   Step3. Add documentations.
> To clarify my approach, should I proceed with Step 3 before Step2?
> I would appreciate your feedback on this.

Thanks, I now understand why the docs were remove, and I agree.  I will
post about the options now in a new email.

  Bruce Momjian  <br...@momjian.us>        https://momjian.us
  EDB                                      https://enterprisedb.com

  Only you can decide what is important to you.

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