I wrote:
> Peter Eisentraut <pe...@eisentraut.org> writes:
>> Tom had tested this on and found that it does actually work on AIX 7.1 
>> and 7.3 but the documentation is wrong.

> I too have a distinct recollection of having tested this (using the
> gcc compile farm machines), but I cannot find anything saying so in
> the mailing list archives.  I can go check it again, I guess.

I can confirm that the attached program works on cfarm111 (AIX 7.1)
and cfarm119 (AIX 7.3), though "man realpath" denies it on both

I also found leftover test files demonstrating that I checked this
same point on Apr 26 2024, so I'm not sure why that didn't turn up
in a mail list search.

                        regards, tom lane

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

main(int argc, char **argv)
	char *pth = realpath(argv[1], NULL);

	if (pth)
		printf("successfully resolved \"%s\" as \"%s\"\n",
			   argv[1], pth);
	return 0;

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