On Mon, Jul 29, 2024 at 1:51 PM Daniel Gustafsson <dan...@yesql.se> wrote:
> Together with a colleage we found the Azure provider use "verification_url"
> rather than xxx_uri.

Yeah, I think that's originally a Google-ism. (As far as I can tell
they helped author the spec for this and then didn't follow it. :/ ) I
didn't recall Azure having used it back when I was testing against it,
though, so that's good to know.

> Another discrepancy is that it uses a string for the
> interval (ie: "interval":"5").

Oh, that's a new one. I don't remember needing to hack around that
either; maybe iddawc handled it silently?

> One can of course argue that Azure is wrong and
> should feel bad, but I fear that virtually all (major) providers will have
> differences like this, so we will have to deal with it in an extensible 
> fashion
> (compile time, not runtime configurable).

Such is life... verification_url we will just have to deal with by
default, I think, since Google does/did it too. Not sure about
interval -- but do we want to make our distribution maintainers deal
with a compile-time setting for libpq, just to support various OAuth
flavors? To me it seems like we should just hold our noses and support
known (large) departures in the core.

> I was toying with making the name json_field name member an array, to allow
> variations.  That won't help with the fieldtype differences though, so another
> train of thought was to have some form of REQUIRED_XOR where fields can tied
> together.  What do you think about something along these lines?

If I designed it right, just adding alternative spellings directly to
the fields list should work. (The "required" check is by struct
member, not name, so both spellings can point to the same
destination.) The alternative typing on the other hand might require
something like a new sentinel "type" that will accept both... I hadn't
expected that.

> Another thing, shouldn't we really parse and interpret *all* REQUIRED fields
> even if we don't use them to ensure that the JSON is wellformed?  If the JSON
> we get is malformed in any way it seems like the safe/conservative option to
> error out.

Good, I was hoping to have a conversation about that. I am fine with
either option in principle. In practice I expect to add code to use
`expires_in` (so that we can pass it to custom OAuth hook
implementations) and `scope` (to check if the server has changed it on

That leaves the provider... Forcing the provider itself to implement
unused stuff in order to interoperate seems like it could backfire on
us, especially since IETF standardized an alternate .well-known URI
[1] that changes some of these REQUIRED things into OPTIONAL. (One way
for us to interpret this: those fields may be required for OpenID, but
your OAuth provider might not be an OpenID provider, and our code
doesn't require OpenID.) I think we should probably tread lightly in
that particular case. Thoughts on that?


[1] https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8414.html

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