Justin Pryzby <pry...@telsasoft.com> writes:
> On Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 10:53:30PM +0300, Alexander Korotkov wrote:
>> It would be nice to identify such cases and check which memory contexts are
>> growing and why.

> I reproduced the problem with this schema:

> SELECT format('CREATE TABLE p(i int, %s) PARTITION BY RANGE(i)', 
> array_to_string(a, ', ')) FROM (SELECT array_agg(format('i%s int', i))a FROM 
> generate_series(1,999)i);
> i,i,i+1) FROM generate_series(1,999)i;

> This used over 4 GB of RAM.

Interesting.  This doesn't bloat particularly much in a regular
pg_restore, even with --transaction-size=1000; but it does in
pg_upgrade, as you say.  I found that the bloat was occurring
during these long sequences of UPDATE commands issued by pg_upgrade:

-- For binary upgrade, recreate inherited column.
UPDATE pg_catalog.pg_attribute
SET attislocal = false
WHERE attname = 'i'
  AND attrelid = '\"public\".\"t139\"'::pg_catalog.regclass;

-- For binary upgrade, recreate inherited column.
UPDATE pg_catalog.pg_attribute
SET attislocal = false
WHERE attname = 'i1'
  AND attrelid = '\"public\".\"t139\"'::pg_catalog.regclass;

-- For binary upgrade, recreate inherited column.
UPDATE pg_catalog.pg_attribute
SET attislocal = false
WHERE attname = 'i2'
  AND attrelid = '\"public\".\"t139\"'::pg_catalog.regclass;

I think the problem is basically that each one of these commands
causes a relcache inval, for which we can't reclaim space right
away, so that we end up consuming O(N^2) cache space for an
N-column inherited table.

It's fairly easy to fix things so that this example doesn't cause
that to happen: we just need to issue these updates as one command
not N commands per table.  See attached.  However, I fear this should
just be considered a draft, because the other code for binary upgrade
in the immediate vicinity is just as aggressively stupid and
unoptimized as this bit, and can probably also be driven to O(N^2)
behavior with enough CHECK constraints etc.  We've gone out of our way
to make ALTER TABLE capable of handling many updates to a table's DDL
in one command, but whoever wrote this code appears not to have read
that memo, or at least to have believed that performance of pg_upgrade
isn't of concern.

> Note that there seemed to be no issue when I created 999 tables without
> partitioning:
> SELECT format('CREATE TABLE t%s(LIKE p)', i,i,i+1) FROM 
> generate_series(1,999)i;

Yeah, because then we don't need to play games with attislocal.

                        regards, tom lane

diff --git a/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.c b/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.c
index b8b1888bd3..19f98bdf43 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.c
+++ b/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.c
@@ -16094,6 +16094,12 @@ dumpTableSchema(Archive *fout, const TableInfo *tbinfo)
 			 tbinfo->relkind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE ||
 			 tbinfo->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE))
+			bool		firstinhcol = true;
+			/*
+			 * Drop any dropped columns.  We don't really expect there to be a
+			 * lot, else this code would be pretty inefficient.
+			 */
 			for (j = 0; j < tbinfo->numatts; j++)
 				if (tbinfo->attisdropped[j])
@@ -16120,18 +16126,37 @@ dumpTableSchema(Archive *fout, const TableInfo *tbinfo)
 					appendPQExpBuffer(q, "DROP COLUMN %s;\n",
-				else if (!tbinfo->attislocal[j])
+			}
+			/*
+			 * Fix up inherited columns.  There could be a lot of these, so we
+			 * do the operation in a single SQL command; otherwise, we risk
+			 * O(N^2) relcache bloat thanks to repeatedly invalidating the
+			 * table's relcache entry.
+			 */
+			for (j = 0; j < tbinfo->numatts; j++)
+			{
+				if (!tbinfo->attisdropped[j] &&
+					!tbinfo->attislocal[j])
-					appendPQExpBufferStr(q, "\n-- For binary upgrade, recreate inherited column.\n");
-					appendPQExpBufferStr(q, "UPDATE pg_catalog.pg_attribute\n"
-										 "SET attislocal = false\n"
-										 "WHERE attname = ");
+					if (firstinhcol)
+					{
+						appendPQExpBufferStr(q, "\n-- For binary upgrade, recreate inherited columns.\n");
+						appendPQExpBufferStr(q, "UPDATE pg_catalog.pg_attribute\n"
+											 "SET attislocal = false\n"
+											 "WHERE attrelid = ");
+						appendStringLiteralAH(q, qualrelname, fout);
+						appendPQExpBufferStr(q, "::pg_catalog.regclass\n"
+											 "  AND attname IN (");
+						firstinhcol = false;
+					}
+					else
+						appendPQExpBufferStr(q, ", ");
 					appendStringLiteralAH(q, tbinfo->attnames[j], fout);
-					appendPQExpBufferStr(q, "\n  AND attrelid = ");
-					appendStringLiteralAH(q, qualrelname, fout);
-					appendPQExpBufferStr(q, "::pg_catalog.regclass;\n");
+			if (!firstinhcol)
+				appendPQExpBufferStr(q, ");\n");
 			 * Add inherited CHECK constraints, if any.

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