Using version 16, seems strange when toast needs to be created. Tested with domain being numeric or varchar(10) with the same results.
And If that domain is integer then no toast is created. I think none of these tables should have a toast, right ? postgres=# create domain mynum as numeric(15,2); CREATE DOMAIN postgres=# create table tab1(id integer, num numeric(15,2)); CREATE TABLE postgres=# create table tab2(id integer, num mynum); CREATE TABLE postgres=# create table tab3(id integer, num mynum storage main); CREATE TABLE postgres=# create table tab4(id integer, num mynum storage plain); CREATE TABLE postgres=# select relname, reltoastrelid from pg_class where relname ~ 'tab\d$' order by 1; relname | reltoastrelid ---------+--------------- tab1 | 0 tab2 | 25511 tab3 | 25516 tab4 | 0 (4 rows) regards Marcos