On Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 9:24 AM Christoph Berg <m...@debian.org> wrote:
> I have not seen any server yet where normal, legitimate operation
> would routinely trigger the message. (If it did, people should likely
> have used SKIP LOCKED or NOWAIT instead.) It would only increase the
> log volume on systems that have a problem.

I've definitely seen systems where this setting would have generated
regular output, because I see a lot of systems that are chronically
overloaded. I think waits of more than 1 second for tuple locks could
be pretty routine on some servers -- or XID or VXID locks. So I'm more
cautious about this than most people on this thread: log_checkpoints
won't generate more than a few lines of output per checkpoint
interval, and a checkpoint cycle will be on the order of minutes, so
it's really never that much volume. On the other hand, in theory, this
setting can generate arbitrarily many messages.

That's why I originally proposed separating deadlock_timeout from
log_lock_waits, because I think 1s might actually end up being kind of
noisy for some people. On the other hand, I take Tom's point that
separating those things would be hard to code and, probably more
importantly, require a second timer.

I'm not strongly opposed to just turning this on by default. It's not
like we can't change our minds, and it's also not like individual
customers can't change the default. I think Tom has entirely the wrong
idea about what a typical log file on a production server looks like.
In every case I've seen, it's full of application generated errors
that will never be fixed, connection logging, statement logging, and
other stuff that is there just in case but will normally be ignored.
Finding the messages that indicate real database problems is typically
quite difficult, even if they're all enabled. If they're disabled by
default, well then the useless crap is the ONLY thing you find in the
log file, and when the customer has a problem, the first thing you
have to do is tell them to turn on all the GUCs that log the actually
important stuff and wait until the problem recurs.

I have yet to run into a customer who was thrilled about receiving that message.

Robert Haas
EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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