On Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 9:23 AM Joseph Koshakow <kosh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Updated in the attached patch.
> Once again, the other patches, 0001, 0003, and 0004 are unchanged but
> have their version number incremented.

+-- Test for overflow in array slicing
+CREATE temp table arroverflowtest (i int[]);
+INSERT INTO arroverflowtest(i[-2147483648:2147483647]) VALUES ('{}');
+INSERT INTO arroverflowtest(i[1:2147483647]) VALUES ('{}');
+INSERT INTO arroverflowtest(i[2147483647:2147483647]) VALUES ('{}');

+INSERT INTO arroverflowtest(i[2147483647:2147483647]) VALUES ('{}');
this example, master error is
ERROR:  source array too small
your patch error is
ERROR:  array size exceeds the maximum allowed (134217727)

INSERT INTO arroverflowtest(i[2147483647:2147483647]) VALUES ('{1}');
ERROR: array lower bound is too large: 2147483647
you patch
ERROR:  array size exceeds the maximum allowed (134217727)

i think "INSERT INTO arroverflowtest(i[2147483647:2147483647]) VALUES ('{}');"
means to insert one element (size) to a customized lower/upper bounds.

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