On 07/06/2018 11:27 AM, Larry Rosenman wrote:
when I pg_dump -Fc the database and then try to restore it after a create database, I get errors. To get a clean restare I need to do:
Knowing the errors would be helpful. jD
--- \set DB `echo ${DB}` CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS postgis; CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS topology; CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS tiger; SET search_path=public,postgis,tiger,topology; ALTER DATABASE :DB SET search_path=public,postgis,tiger,topology; \c CREATE EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch schema postgis; -- Enable PostGIS (includes raster) CREATE EXTENSION postgis schema postgis; -- Enable Topology CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology schema topology; -- Enable PostGIS Advanced 3D -- and other geoprocessing algorithms CREATE EXTENSION postgis_sfcgal schema postgis; -- rule based standardizer CREATE EXTENSION address_standardizer schema postgis; -- example rule data set CREATE EXTENSION address_standardizer_data_us schema postgis; -- Enable US Tiger Geocoder CREATE EXTENSION postgis_tiger_geocoder schema tiger; -- routing functionality CREATE EXTENSION pgrouting schema postgis; -- spatial foreign data wrappers CREATE EXTENSION ogr_fdw schema postgis; -- LIDAR support CREATE EXTENSION pointcloud schema postgis; -- LIDAR Point cloud patches to geometry type cases CREATE EXTENSION pointcloud_postgis schema postgis; ---- Is the need to do this expected? This is 10.4 on FreeBSD.
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