On 24.05.24 20:54, Jacob Champion wrote:
Our documentation implies that the ldapurl setting in pg_hba is used
for search+bind mode only. It was pointed out to me recently that this
is not true, and if you're dealing with simple bind on a non-standard
scheme or port, then ldapurl makes the HBA easier to read:

     ... ldap ldapurl="ldaps://ldap.example.net:49151" ldapprefix="cn="
ldapsuffix=", dc=example, dc=net"

0001 tries to document this helpful behavior a little better, and 0002
pins it with a test. WDYT?

Yes, this looks correct. Since ldapurl is really just a shorthand that is expanded to various other parameters, it makes sense that it would work for simple bind as well.

hba.c has this error message:

"cannot use ldapbasedn, ldapbinddn, ldapbindpasswd, ldapsearchattribute, ldapsearchfilter, or ldapurl together with ldapprefix"

This appears to imply that specifying ldapurl is only applicable for search+bind. Maybe that whole message should be simplified to something like

"configuration mixes arguments for simple bind and search+bind"

(The old wording also ignores that the error might arise via "ldapsuffix".)

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