
On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 01:13:48PM -0400, Robert Haas wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 5:49 AM Bertrand Drouvot
> <bertranddrouvot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > As we can see the actual wait time is 30ms less than the intended wait time 
> > with
> > this simple test. So I still think we should go with 1) actual wait time 
> > and 2)
> > report the number of waits (as mentioned in [1]). Does that make sense to 
> > you?
> I like the idea of reporting the actual wait time better,


> provided
> that we verify that doing so isn't too expensive. I think it probably
> isn't, because in a long-running VACUUM there is likely to be disk
> I/O, so the CPU overhead of a few extra gettimeofday() calls should be
> fairly low by comparison.


> I wonder if there's a noticeable hit when
> everything is in-memory. I guess probably not, because with any sort
> of normal configuration, we shouldn't be delaying after every block we
> process, so the cost of those gettimeofday() calls should still be
> getting spread across quite a bit of real work.

I did some testing, with:

shared_buffers = 12GB
vacuum_cost_delay = 1
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = 1
max_parallel_maintenance_workers = 0
max_parallel_workers = 0

added to a default config file.

A table and all its indexes were fully in memory, the numbers are:

postgres=# SELECT n.nspname, c.relname, count(*) AS buffers
             FROM pg_buffercache b JOIN pg_class c
             ON b.relfilenode = pg_relation_filenode(c.oid) AND
                b.reldatabase IN (0, (SELECT oid FROM pg_database
                                      WHERE datname = current_database()))
             JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
             GROUP BY n.nspname, c.relname
             ORDER BY 3 DESC
             LIMIT 11;

 nspname |      relname      | buffers
 public  | large_tbl         |  222280
 public  | large_tbl_pkey    |    5486
 public  | large_tbl_filler7 |    1859
 public  | large_tbl_filler4 |    1859
 public  | large_tbl_filler1 |    1859
 public  | large_tbl_filler6 |    1859
 public  | large_tbl_filler3 |    1859
 public  | large_tbl_filler2 |    1859
 public  | large_tbl_filler5 |    1859
 public  | large_tbl_filler8 |    1859
 public  | large_tbl_version |    1576
(11 rows)

The observed timings when vacuuming this table are:

On master:

vacuum phase: cumulative duration

scanning heap: 00:00:37.808184
vacuuming indexes: 00:00:41.808176
vacuuming heap: 00:00:54.808156

On master patched with actual time delayed:

vacuum phase: cumulative duration

scanning heap: 00:00:36.502104 (time_delayed: 22202)
vacuuming indexes: 00:00:41.002103 (time_delayed: 23769)
vacuuming heap: 00:00:54.302096 (time_delayed: 34886)

As we can see there is no noticeable degradation while the vacuum entered about
34886 times in this instrumentation code path (cost_delay was set to 1).

> That said, I'm not sure this experiment shows a real problem with the
> idea of showing intended wait time. It does establish the concept that
> repeated signals can throw our numbers off, but 30ms isn't much of a
> discrepancy.

Yeah, the idea was just to show how easy it is to create a 30ms discrepancy.

> I'm worried about being off by a factor of two, or an
> order of magnitude. I think we still don't know if that can happen,
> but if we're going to show actual wait time anyway, then we don't need
> to explore the problems with other hypothetical systems too much.


> I'm not convinced that reporting the number of waits is useful. If we
> were going to report a possibly-inaccurate amount of actual waiting,
> then also reporting the number of waits might make it easier to figure
> out when the possibly-inaccurate number was in fact inaccurate. But I
> think it's way better to report an accurate amount of actual waiting,
> and then I'm not sure what we gain by also reporting the number of
> waits.

Sami shared his thoughts in [1] and [2] and so did I in [3]. If some of us still
don't think that reporting the number of waits is useful then we can probably
start without it.



Bertrand Drouvot
PostgreSQL Contributors Team
RDS Open Source Databases
Amazon Web Services: https://aws.amazon.com

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