> On 7 May 2024, at 06:46, Jingxian Li <aqkt...@qq.com> wrote:

>> But, since it's been broken in all supported versions of postgres and has
>> AFAICT never been documented to exist, should we fix it or just remove it?  
>> We
>> don't support auth-options for any other methods, like clientcert to cert for
>> example.  If we fix it we should also document that it works IMHO.
> You mentioned that auth-options are not supported for auth methods except pam,
> but I found that  some methods (such as  ldap and radius etc.) also requires 
> aut-options,
> and there are no corresponding auth methods ending with space (such as  "ldap 
> " and 
> radius ") present in auth_methods_host and auth_methods_local arrays.

Correct, only pam and ident were ever supported (yet not documented) and ident
was removed a long time ago.

Searching the archives I was unable to find any complaints, and this has been
broken for the entire window of supported releases, so I propose we remove it
as per the attached patch.  If anyone is keen on making this work again for all
the types where it makes sense, it can be resurrected (probably with a better

Any objections to fixing this in 17 by removing it? (cc:ing Michael from the 

Daniel Gustafsson

Attachment: v2-0001-Remove-auth-options-support-from-initdb.patch
Description: Binary data

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