Robert Haas <> writes:
> On Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 8:04 PM Michael Paquier <> wrote:
>> Not sure that I would bother with a second one.  But, well, why not if
>> people want to rename it, as long as you keep compatibility.

> I vote for just standardizing on XLOG_CONTROL_FILE. That name seems
> sufficiently intuitive to me, and I'd rather have one identifier for
> this than two. It's simpler that way.

+1.  Back when we did the great xlog-to-wal renaming, we explicitly
agreed that we wouldn't change internal symbols referring to xlog.
It might or might not be appropriate to revisit that decision,
but I sure don't want to do it piecemeal, one symbol at a time.

Also, if we did rename this one, the logical choice would be

                        regards, tom lane

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