On 4/12/24 22:27, Tomas Vondra wrote:

On 4/12/24 08:42, David Steele wrote:
On 4/11/24 20:26, Tomas Vondra wrote:
On 4/11/24 03:52, David Steele wrote:
On 4/11/24 10:23, Tom Kincaid wrote:

The extensive Beta process we have can be used to build confidence we
need in a feature that has extensive review and currently has no known
issues or outstanding objections.

I did have objections, here [1] and here [2]. I think the complexity,
space requirements, and likely performance issues involved in restores
are going to be a real problem for users. Some of these can be addressed
in future releases, but I can't escape the feeling that what we are
releasing here is half-baked.

I do not think it's half-baked. I certainly agree there are limitations,
and there's all kinds of bells and whistles we could add, but I think
the fundamental infrastructure is corrent and a meaningful step forward.
Would I wish it to handle .tar for example? Sure I would. But I think
it's something we can add in the future - if we require all of this to
happen in a single release, it'll never happen.

I'm not sure that I really buy this argument, anyway. It is not uncommon
for significant features to spend years in development before they are
committed. This feature went from first introduction to commit in just
over six months. Obviously Robert had been working on it for a while,
but for a feature this large six months is a sprint.

Sure, but it's also not uncommon for significant features to be
developed incrementally, over multiple releases, introducing the basic
infrastructure first, and then expanding the capabilities later. I'd
cite logical decoding/replication and parallel query as examples of this

It's possible there's some fundamental flaw in the WAL summarization?
Sure, I can't rule that out, although I find it unlikely. Could there be
bugs? Sure, that's possible, but that applies to all code.

But it seems to me all the comments are about the client side, not about
the infrastructure. Which is fair, I certainly agree it'd be nice to
handle more use cases with less effort, but I still think the patch is a
meaningful step forward.

Yes, my comments are all about the client code. I like the implementation of the WAL summarizer a lot. I don't think there is a fundamental flaw in the design, either, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are bugs. That's life in software development biz.

Even for the summarizer, though, I do worry about the complexity of maintaining it over time. It seems like it would be very easy to introduce a bug and have it go unnoticed until it causes problems in the field. A lot of testing was done outside of the test suite for this feature and I'm not sure if we can rely on that focus with every release.

For me an incremental approach would be to introduce the WAL summarizer first. There are already plenty of projects that do page-level incremental (WAL-G, pg_probackup, pgBackRest) and could help shake out the bugs. Then introduce the client tools later when they are more robust. Or, release the client tools now but mark them as experimental or something so people know that changes are coming and they don't get blindsided by that in the next release. Or, at the very least, make the caveats very clear so users can make an informed choice.


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