On Fri, Apr 5, 2024 at 1:14 PM Bertrand Drouvot
<bertranddrouvot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Please find the attached v36 patch.
> A few comments:
> 1 ===
> +       <para>
> +        The timeout is measured from the time since the slot has become
> +        inactive (known from its
> +        <structfield>inactive_since</structfield> value) until it gets
> +        used (i.e., its <structfield>active</structfield> is set to true).
> +       </para>
> That's right except when it's invalidated during the checkpoint (as the slot
> is not acquired in CheckPointReplicationSlots()).
> So, what about adding: "or a checkpoint occurs"? That would also explain that
> the invalidation could occur during checkpoint.


> 2 ===
> +       /* If the slot has been invalidated, recalculate the resource limits 
> */
> +       if (invalidated)
> +       {
> /If the slot/If a slot/?

Modified it to be like elsewhere.

> 3 ===
> + * NB - this function also runs as part of checkpoint, so avoid raising 
> errors
> s/NB - this/NB: This function/? (that looks more consistent with other 
> comments
> in the code)


> 4 ===
> + * Note that having a new function for RS_INVAL_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT cause 
> instead
> I understand it's "the RS_INVAL_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT cause" but reading "cause 
> instead"
> looks weird to me. Maybe it would make sense to reword this a bit.


> 5 ===
> +        * considered not active as they don't actually perform logical 
> decoding.
> Not sure that's 100% accurate as we switched in fast forward logical
> in 2ec005b4e2.
> "as they perform only fast forward logical decoding (or not at all)", maybe?

Changed it to "as they don't perform logical decoding to produce the
changes". In fast_forward mode no changes are produced.

> 6 ===
> +       if (RecoveryInProgress() && slot->data.synced)
> +               return false;
> +
> +       if (replication_slot_inactive_timeout == 0)
> +               return false;
> What about just using one if? It's more a matter of taste but it also probably
> reduces the object file size a bit for non optimized build.


> 7 ===
> +               /*
> +                * Do not invalidate the slots which are currently being 
> synced from
> +                * the primary to the standby.
> +                */
> +               if (RecoveryInProgress() && slot->data.synced)
> +                       return false;
> I think we don't need this check as the exact same one is done just before.

Right. Removed.

> 8 ===
> +sub check_for_slot_invalidation_in_server_log
> +{
> +       my ($node, $slot_name, $offset) = @_;
> +       my $invalidated = 0;
> +
> +       for (my $i = 0; $i < 10 * $PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::timeout_default; 
> $i++)
> +       {
> +               $node->safe_psql('postgres', "CHECKPOINT");
> Wouldn't be better to wait for the replication_slot_inactive_timeout time 
> before
> instead of triggering all those checkpoints? (it could be passed as an extra 
> arg
> to wait_for_slot_invalidation()).


> 9 ===
> # Synced slot mustn't get invalidated on the standby, it must sync 
> invalidation
> # from the primary. So, we must not see the slot's invalidation message in 
> server
> # log.
> ok( !$standby1->log_contains(
>         "invalidating obsolete replication slot \"lsub1_sync_slot\"",
>         $standby1_logstart),
>     'check that syned slot has not been invalidated on the standby');
> Would that make sense to trigger a checkpoint on the standby before this test?
> I mean I think that without a checkpoint on the standby we should not see the
> invalidation in the log anyway.


Please find the attached v37 patch for further review.

Bharath Rupireddy
PostgreSQL Contributors Team
RDS Open Source Databases
Amazon Web Services: https://aws.amazon.com

Attachment: v37-0001-Add-inactive_timeout-based-replication-slot-inva.patch
Description: Binary data

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