
While I working in [1], Coverity reported some errors:

CID 1542690: (#1 of 2): Out-of-bounds access (OVERRUN)
alloc_strlen: Allocating insufficient memory for the terminating null of
the string. [Note: The source code implementation of the function has been
overridden by a builtin model.]
CID 1542690: (#2 of 2): Out-of-bounds access (OVERRUN)
alloc_strlen: Allocating insufficient memory for the terminating null of
the string. [Note: The source code implementation of the function has been
overridden by a builtin model.]

I think that is right.

The source of errors is the function PQescapeInternal.
The slow path has bugs when num_quotes or num_backslashes are greater than
For each num_quotes or num_backslahes we need to allocate two more.

Code were out-of-bounds it happens:
for (s = str; s - str < input_len; ++s)
if (*s == quote_char || (!as_ident && *s == '\\'))
*rp++ = *s;
*rp++ = *s;

Patch attached.

Best regards,
Ranier Vilela

[1] Re: Fix some resources leaks

Attachment: fix-out-of-bouds-libpqinternal.patch
Description: Binary data

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