On 19/2/2024 19:25, Ashutosh Bapat wrote:
On Fri, Feb 16, 2024 at 8:42 AM Andrei Lepikhov
<a.lepik...@postgrespro.ru> wrote:
Live example: right now, I am working on the code like MSSQL has - a
combination of NestLoop and HashJoin paths and switching between them in
real-time. It requires both paths in the path list at the moment when
extensions are coming. Even if one of them isn't referenced from the
upper pathlist, it may still be helpful for the extension.
There is no guarantee that every path presented to add_path will be
preserved. Suboptimal paths are freed as and when add_path discovers
that they are suboptimal. So I don't think an extension can rely on
existence of a path. But having a refcount makes it easy to preserve
the required paths by referencing them.
I don't insist, just provide my use case. It would be ideal if you would
provide some external routines for extensions that allow for sticking
the path in pathlist even when it has terrible cost estimation.
About partitioning. As I discovered planning issues connected to
partitions, the painful problem is a rule, according to which we are
trying to use all nomenclature of possible paths for each partition.
With indexes, it quickly increases optimization work. IMO, this can help
a 'symmetrical' approach, which could restrict the scope of possible
pathways for upcoming partitions if we filter some paths in a set of
previously planned partitions.
filter or free?
I meant that Postres tries to apply IndexScan, BitmapScan,
IndexOnlyScan, and other strategies, passing throughout the partition
indexes. The optimizer spends a lot of time doing that. So, why not
introduce a symmetrical strategy and give away from the search some
indexes of types of scan based on the pathifying experience of previous
partitions of the same table: if you have dozens of partitions, Is it
beneficial for the system to find a bit more optimal IndexScan on one
partition having SeqScans on 999 other?
IIUC, you are suggesting that instead of planning each
partition/partitionwise join, we only create paths with the strategies
which were found to be optimal with previous partitions. That's a good
heuristic but it won't work if partition properties - statistics,
indexes etc. differ between groups of partitions.
Sure, but the "Symmetry" strategy assumes that on the scope of a
thousand partitions, especially with parallel append involved, it
doesn't cause sensible performance degradation if we find a bit
suboptimal path in a small subset of partitions. Does it make sense?
As I see, when people use 10-100 partitions for the table, they usually
strive to keep indexes symmetrical for all partitions.
Andrei Lepikhov
Postgres Professional