Dear Justin,

> pg_upgrade/t/ says
> |my $mode = $ENV{PG_TEST_PG_UPGRADE_MODE} || '--copy';
> ..but I think maybe it should not.
> When you try to use --link, it fails:
> |Adding ".old" suffix to old global/pg_control                 ok
> |
> |If you want to start the old cluster, you will need to remove
> |the ".old" suffix from
> /tmp/cirrus-ci-build/build/testrun/pg_upgrade/004_subscription/data/t_004_su
> bscription_old_sub_data/pgdata/global/pg_control.old.
> |Because "link" mode was used, the old cluster cannot be safely
> |started once the new cluster has been started.
> |...
> |
> |postgres: could not find the database system
> |Expected to find it in the directory
> "/tmp/cirrus-ci-build/build/testrun/pg_upgrade/004_subscription/data/t_004_s
> ubscription_old_sub_data/pgdata",
> |but could not open file
> "/tmp/cirrus-ci-build/build/testrun/pg_upgrade/004_subscription/data/t_004_s
> ubscription_old_sub_data/pgdata/global/pg_control": No such file or directory
> |# No postmaster PID for node "old_sub"
> |[19:36:01.396](0.250s) Bail out!  pg_ctl start failed

Good catch! The primal reason of the failure is to reuse the old cluster, even 
the successful upgrade. The documentation said [1]:

If you use link mode, the upgrade will be much faster (no file copying) and use 
disk space, but you will not be able to access your old cluster once you start 
the new
cluster after the upgrade.

> You could rename pg_control.old to avoid that immediate error, but that 
> doesn't
> address the essential issue that "the old cluster cannot be safely started 
> once
> the new cluster has been started."

Yeah, I agreed that it should be avoided to access to the old cluster after the 
IIUC, pg_upgrade would be run third times in 004_subscription.

1. successful upgrade
2. failure due to the insufficient max_replication_slot
3. failure because the pg_subscription_rel has 'd' state

And old instance is reused in all of runs. Therefore, the most reasonable fix 
is to 
change the ordering of tests, i.e., "successful upgrade" should be done at last.

Attached patch modified the test accordingly. Also, it contains some 
This can pass the test on my env:

pg_upgrade]$ PG_TEST_PG_UPGRADE_MODE='--link' PG_TEST_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT=10 make 
check PROVE_TESTS='t/'
# +++ tap check in src/bin/pg_upgrade +++
t/ .. ok    
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=14,  9 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr  0.00 sys +  0.55 cusr  1.08 
csys =  1.66 CPU)
Result: PASS

How do you think?


Best Regards,
Hayato Kuroda

Attachment: 0001-Fix-testcase.patch
Description: 0001-Fix-testcase.patch

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