A review on v45 patch: If one creates a logical slot with failover=true as - select pg_create_logical_replication_slot('logical_slot','pgoutput', false, true, true);
Then, uses the existing logical slot while creating a subscription - postgres=# create subscription sub4 connection 'dbname=postgres host=localhost port=5433' publication pub1t4 WITH (slot_name=logical_slot, create_slot=false, failover=true); NOTICE: changed the failover state of replication slot "logical_slot" on publisher to false CREATE SUBSCRIPTION Despite configuring logical_slot's failover to true and specifying failover=true during subscription creation, the NOTICE indicates a change in the failover state to 'false', without providing any explanation for this transition. It can be confusing for users, so IMO, the notice should include the reason for switching failover to 'false' or should give a hint to use either refresh=false or copy_data=false to enable failover=true for the slot as we do in other similar 'alter subscription...' scenarios. -- Thanks & Regards, Nisha