Review for v41 patch.


+#enable_syncslot = on # enables slot synchronization on the physical
standby from the primary

enable_syncslot is disabled by default, so, it should be 'off' here.

IIUC, the slotsyncworker's connection to the primary is to execute a
query. Its aim is not walsender type connection, but at primary when
queried, the 'backend_type' is set to 'walsender'.
Snippet from primary db-

datname  |   usename   | application_name | wait_event_type | backend_type
postgres | replication | slotsyncworker   | Client          | walsender

Is it okay?

As per current logic, If there are slots on primary with disabled
subscriptions, then, when standby is created it replicates these slots
but can't make them sync-ready until any activity happens on the
So, such slots stay in 'i' sync-state and get dropped when failover
happens. Now, if the subscriber tries to enable their existing
subscription after failover, it gives an error that the slot does not

4. primary_slot_name GUC value test:

When standby is started with a non-existing primary_slot_name, the
wal-receiver gives an error but the slot-sync worker does not raise
any error/warning. It is no-op though as it has a check 'if
(XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(WalRcv->latestWalEnd)) do nothing'.   Is this
okay or shall the slot-sync worker too raise an error and exit?

In another case, when standby is started with valid primary_slot_name,
but it is changed to some invalid value in runtime, then walreceiver
starts giving error but the slot-sync worker keeps on running. In this
case, unlike the previous case, it even did not go to no-op mode (as
it sees valid WalRcv->latestWalEnd from the earlier run) and keep
pinging primary repeatedly for slots.  Shall here it should error out
or at least be no-op until we give a valid primary_slot_name?


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