On 09.11.23 00:21, Andres Freund wrote:
Example output:

This is very nice!

$ ninja help
[0/1 1   0%] Running external command help (wrapped by meson to set env)
Code Targets:
   all                          Build everything other than documentation
   backend                      Build backend and related modules
   bin                          Build frontend binaries
   contrib                      Build contrib modules
   pl                           Build procedual languages


Documentation Targets:
   docs                         Build documentation in multi-page HTML format
   doc-html                     Build documentation in multi-page HTML format
   doc-man                      Build documentation in man page format
   doc/src/sgml/postgres-A4.pdf Build documentation in PDF format, with A4 pages
   doc/src/sgml/postgres-US.pdf Build documentation in PDF format, with US 
letter pages
   doc/src/sgml/postgres.html   Build documentation in single-page HTML format
   alldocs                      Build documentation in all supported formats

Installation Targets:
   install                      Install postgres, excluding documentation

This should probably read "Install everything other than documentation", to mirror "all" above. (Otherwise one might think it installs just the backend.)

   install-doc-html             Install documentation in multi-page HTML format
   install-doc-man              Install documentation in man page format
   install-docs                 Install documentation in multi-page HTML and 
man page formats

There is a mismatch between "docs" and "install-docs". (As was previously discussed, I'm in the camp that "docs" should be html + man.)

   install-quiet                Like "install", but installed files are not 
   install-world                Install postgres, including multi-page HTML and 
man page documentation

Suggest "Install everything, including documentation" (matches "world").

   uninstall                    Remove installed files

Other Targets:
   clean                        Remove all build products
   test                         Run all enabled tests (including contrib)
   world                        Build everything, including documentation

Shouldn't that be under "Code Targets"?

   help                         List important targets

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