
On Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 9:52 AM Michael Paquier <mich...@paquier.xyz> wrote:
> On Tue, May 23, 2023 at 01:47:52PM +0300, Aleksander Alekseev wrote:
> > That's me still talking to myself :)
> Let's be two then.

Many thanks for your feedback.

> +    <para>
> +    It is convenient to use <literal>shmem_startup_hook</literal> which 
> allows
> +    placing all the code responsible for initializing shared memory in one 
> place.
> +    When using <literal>shmem_startup_hook</literal> the extension still 
> needs
> +    to acquire <function>AddinShmemInitLock</function> in order to work 
> properly
> +    on all the supported platforms including Windows.
> Yeah, AddinShmemInitLock is useful because extensions have no base
> point outside that, and they may want to update their local variables.
> Still, this is not completely exact because EXEC_BACKEND on
> non-Windows platform would still need it, so this should be mentioned.
> Another thing is that extensions may do like autoprewarm.c, where
> the shmem area is not initialized in the startup shmem hook.  This is
> a bit cheating because this is a scenario where shmem_request_hook is
> not requested, so shmem needs overallocation, but you'd also need a
> LWLock in this case, even for non-WIN32.

Got it. Let's simply remove the "including Windows" part then.

> +    on all the supported platforms including Windows. This is also the reason
> +    why the return value of <function>GetNamedLWLockTranche</function> is
> +    conventionally stored in shared memory instead of local process memory.
> +    </para>
> Not sure to follow this sentence, the result of GetNamedLWLockTranche
> is the lock, so this sentence does not seem really necessary?

To be honest, by now I don't remember what was meant here, so I
removed the sentence.

> While we're on it, why not improving this part of the documentation more
> modern?  We don't mention LWLockNewTrancheId() and
> LWLockRegisterTranche() at all, so do you think that it would be worth
> adding a sample of code with that, mentioning autoprewarm.c as
> example?

Agree, these functions deserve to be mentioned in this section.

PFA patch v4.

Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev

Attachment: v4-0001-Clarify-the-38.10.10.-Shared-Memory-and-LWLocks-s.patch
Description: Binary data

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