В Fri, 27 Oct 2023 14:00:38 -0400
Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> пишет:

> This means that if we substitute Kanton for Enderbury, things
> will work fine against tzdata 2021b or later, but will fail in
> the reverse way against older tzdata sets.  Do we want to
> bet that everybody in the world has up-to-date tzdata installed?

You are right. When nightly builds came, they showed problems with
Pacific/Kanton in
Debian 10, 11 and Ubuntu 20.04 (we do not more test ubuntu 18.04 as 5
year support period is ended). 

I haven't applied 'fix' to rpm-based disitrubutions, because none of
them as I'm aware of split tzdata into two packages.

> I guess the contract for using --with-system-tzdata is that it's
> up to you to maintain that, but still I don't like the odds.
> The alternative I'm wondering about is whether to just summarily
> remove the PHOT entry from timezonesets/Default.  It's a made-up
> zone abbreviation in the first place, and per the above NEWS entry,
> there's only a couple dozen people in the world who might even
> be candidates to consider using it.  It seems highly likely that
> nobody would care if we just dropped it from the Default list.
> (We could keep the Pacific.txt entry, although re-pointing it
> to Pacific/Kanton seems advisable.)
>                       regards, tom lane

                                   Victor Wagner <vi...@wagner.pp.ru>

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