On Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 6:31 PM Drouvot, Bertrand
<bertranddrouvot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 9/25/23 6:10 AM, shveta malik wrote:
> > On Fri, Sep 22, 2023 at 3:48 PM Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> On Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 9:16 AM shveta malik <shveta.ma...@gmail.com> 
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> On Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 10:29 AM shveta malik <shveta.ma...@gmail.com> 
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Currently in patch001, synchronize_slot_names is a GUC on both primary
> >>> and physical standby. This GUC tells which all logical slots need to
> >>> be synced on physical standbys from the primary. Ideally it should be
> >>> a GUC on physical standby alone and each physical standby should be
> >>> able to communicate the value to the primary (considering the value
> >>> may vary for different physical replicas of the same primary). The
> >>> primary on the other hand should be able to take UNION of these values
> >>> and let the logical walsenders (belonging to the slots in UNION
> >>> synchronize_slots_names) wait for physical standbys for confirmation
> >>> before sending those changes to logical subscribers. The intent is
> >>> logical subscribers should never be ahead of physical standbys.
> >>>
> >>
> >> Before getting into the details of 'synchronize_slot_names', I would
> >> like to know whether we really need the second GUC
> >> 'standby_slot_names'. Can't we simply allow all the logical wal
> >> senders corresponding to 'synchronize_slot_names' to wait for just the
> >> physical standby(s) (physical slot corresponding to such physical
> >> standby) that have sent ' synchronize_slot_names'list? We should have
> >> one physical standby slot corresponding to one physical standby.
> >>
> >
> > yes, with the new approach (to be implemented next) where we plan to
> > send synchronize_slot_names from each physical standby to primary, the
> > standby_slot_names GUC should no longer be needed on primary. The
> > physical standbys sending requests should automatically become the
> > ones to be waited for confirmation on the primary.
> >
> I think that standby_slot_names could be used to do some filtering (means
> for which standby(s) we don't want the logical replication on the primary to 
> go
> ahead and for which standby(s) one would allow it).

Isn't it implicit that the physical standby that has requested
'synchronize_slot_names' should be ahead of their corresponding
logical walsenders? Otherwise, after the switchover to the new
physical standby, the logical subscriptions won't work.

> I think that removing the GUC would:
> - remove this flexibility

I think if required we can add such a GUC later as well. Asking users
to set more parameters also makes the feature less attractive, so I am
trying to see if we can avoid this GUC.

> - probably open corner cases like: what if a standby is down? would that mean
> that synchronize_slot_names not being send to the primary would allow the 
> decoding
> on the primary to go ahead?

Good question. BTW, irrespective of whether we have
'standby_slot_names' parameters or not, how should we behave if
standby is down? Say, if 'synchronize_slot_names' is only specified on
standby then in such a situation primary won't be even aware that some
of the logical walsenders need to wait. OTOH, one can say that users
should configure 'synchronize_slot_names' on both primary and standby
but note that this value could be different for different standby's,
so we can't configure it on primary.

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.

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