The following review has been posted through the commitfest application: make installcheck-world: tested, passed Implements feature: tested, passed Spec compliant: not tested Documentation: tested, passed
I've tested the patched on 17devel/master and it is my feeling - especially given the proliferation of the ORMs - that we need such thing in pgss. Thread already took almost 3 years, so it would be pity to waste so much development time of yours. Cfbot is green, and patch works very well for me. IMVHO commitfest status should be even set to ready-for-comitter. Given the: SET query_id_const_merge = on; SELECT pg_stat_statements_reset(); SELECT * FROM test WHERE a IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11); SELECT * FROM test WHERE a IN (1, 2, 3); SELECT * FROM test WHERE a = ALL('{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}'); SELECT * FROM test WHERE a = ANY (ARRAY[11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]); The patch results in: q | calls -----------------------------------------------------+------- SELECT * FROM test WHERE a = ALL($1) | 1 SELECT pg_stat_statements_reset() | 1 SELECT * FROM test WHERE a IN ($1, $2, $3) | 1 SELECT * FROM test WHERE a IN (... [10-99 entries]) | 2 Of course it's pity it doesn't collapse the below ones: SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11)) AS t (num); INSERT INTO dummy VALUES(1, 'text 1'),(2, 'text 2'),(3, 'text 3'),(4, 'text 3'),(5, 'text 3'),(6, 'text 3'),(7, 'text 3'),(8, 'text 3'),(9, 'text 3'),(10, 'text 3') ON CONFLICT (id) DO NOTHING; PREPARE s3(int[], int[], int[], int[], int[], int[], int[], int[], int[], int[], int[]) AS SELECT * FROM test WHERE a = ANY ($1::int[]) OR a = ANY ($2::int[]) OR [..] a = ANY ($11::int[]) ; but given the convoluted thread history, it's understandable and as you stated - maybe in future. There's one additional benefit to this patch: the pg_hint_plan extension seems to borrow pgss's generate_normalized_query(). So if that's changed in next major release, the pg_hint_plan hint table (transparent plan rewrite using table) will automatically benefit from generalization of the query string here (imagine fixing plans for ORM that generate N {1,1024} number of IN() array elements; today that would be N number of entries in the "hint_plan.hints" table). The new status of this patch is: Needs review