On Fri, Sep 15, 2023 at 09:37:23AM +0200, Jim Jones wrote:
> SELECT type, database, user_name, address, c.comment
> FROM  pg_hba_file_rules h, pg_read_conf_comments(h.file_name) c
> WHERE user_name[1]='jim' AND h.line_number = c.line_number ;
>  type | database | user_name |  address  | comment
> ------+----------+-----------+-----------+---------
>  host | {db}     | {jim}     | | foo
>  host | {db}     | {jim}     | | bar
>  host | {db}     | {jim}     | | #foo#
> (3 rows)
> Is it more or less what you had in mind?

That was the idea.  I forgot about strpos(), but if you do that, do we
actually need a function in core to achieve that?  There are a few
fancy cases with the SQL function you have sent, actually..  strpos()
would grep the first '#' character, ignoring quoted areas.

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