Hi, hackers,

Looking at the planner behaviour with the memory consumption patch [1], I 
figured out that arrays increase memory consumption by the optimizer 
significantly. See init.sql in attachment.
The point here is that the planner does small memory allocations for each 
element during estimation. As a result, it looks like the planner consumes 
about 250 bytes for each integer element.

It is maybe not a problem most of the time. However, in the case of partitions, 
memory consumption multiplies by each partition. Such a corner case looks 
weird, but the fix is simple. So, why not?

The diff in the attachment is proof of concept showing how to reduce wasting of 
memory. Having benchmarked a bit, I didn't find any overhead.

[1] Report planning memory in EXPLAIN ANALYZE

Andrey Lepikhov

Attachment: init.sql
Description: application/sql

Attachment: array_compact_memusage.diff
Description: Binary data

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