On Sat, Sep 02, 2023 at 09:13:11AM -0300, Ranier Vilela wrote:
> I tried to keep the same behavior as before.
> Note that if the locale equals COLLPROVIDER_LIBC,
> the message to the user will be the same.

-    /* shouldn't happen */
-    elog(ERROR, "unsupported collprovider: %c", locale->provider);
+    elog(ERROR, "collprovider '%c' does not support pg_strnxfrm_prefix()",
+             locale->provider); 

Based on what's written here, these messages could be better because
full sentences are not encouraged in error messages, even for
non-translated elogs:

Perhaps something like "could not use collprovider %c: no support for
%s", where the function name is used, would be more consistent.

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